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Political Thread

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The GOP is going to face real trouble in FL in November. Their unemployment system is a ---- show and it was gutted by the Republicans before the crisis. They are now paying the price:

TALLAHASSEE – Gov. Ron DeSantis said Thursday his administration has only processed a tiny sliver of unemployment claims spurred by the coronavirus crisis, with the state facing a backlog about 850,000 applications.

Since mid-March, when much of the economy began to shut down in response to the pandemic, the state has pushed through 33,623 new claims, or about 4 percent of those still pending.

“While we’ve made some progress in the recent days it’s not nearly enough," DeSantis said at a news conference. “We have an unprecedented amount of claims, and we’ve got to work through them.”

DeSantis’ remarks came after the Orlando Sentinel and other media outlets had been asking for weeks for data related to the unemployment system. Hundreds of thousands of newly laid-off workers have been encountering system crashes, busy call lines, frustrating approval wait times and wrongly denied claims since the crisis began.

DeSantis may get the "Mussolini treatment" if this keeps up.
The GOP is going to face real trouble in FL in November. Their unemployment system is a poop show and it was gutted by the Republicans before the crisis. They are now paying the price:

TALLAHASSEE – Gov. Ron DeSantis said Thursday his administration has only processed a tiny sliver of unemployment claims spurred by the coronavirus crisis, with the state facing a backlog about 850,000 applications.

Since mid-March, when much of the economy began to shut down in response to the pandemic, the state has pushed through 33,623 new claims, or about 4 percent of those still pending.

“While we’ve made some progress in the recent days it’s not nearly enough," DeSantis said at a news conference. “We have an unprecedented amount of claims, and we’ve got to work through them.”

DeSantis’ remarks came after the Orlando Sentinel and other media outlets had been asking for weeks for data related to the unemployment system. Hundreds of thousands of newly laid-off workers have been encountering system crashes, busy call lines, frustrating approval wait times and wrongly denied claims since the crisis began.

DeSantis may get the "Mussolini treatment" if this keeps up.

Yep, this is the kind of thing you can expect to get when the GOP runs the show.
Are you forgetting we already are crippled since Grady had that water leak and hospitals were stressed to start? Kemp would be an idiot to reopen this soon. Also if you want to complain about the shelter in place, know that without it, it would be far worse.

How do we know it would have been far worse? It may have been the same, corona infections were going to happen anyway. How many were we able to save since the lock-down? how many were likely going to die anyway? Georgia has averaged 22 deaths per day since 3/19/2020. The state averages 165 per day without corona. Many of the 22 would have been counted in the "normal" 165 number. Is it all worth the economic destruction and the collateral damage to mental and physical health that will likely follow? I don't want to hear people say it would have been "far worse" without evidence. I've yet to see convincing evidence to shut down everything. Why not let the individuals decide how they want to proceed with life?

The government should have declared martial law instead of unconstitutionally "closing business" and enacting "stay-at-home" orders. I believe, if we emerge with any economy left after this insanity subsides, there will be many, many lawsuits due to these restrictions. The local governments are going to fall first.
Yep, this is the kind of thing you can expect to get when the GOP runs the show.
In what freak show of an imagination does anyone plan on 870,000 people in Florida being thrust into unemployment lines because the "government" says they can't go to work???? You're reasoning skills are very poor if you think any political faction is to blame for slow processing of unemployment benefits.
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Capitalism is a system built on exploitation and cruelty. It is amazing to see how many are blind to this fact. This crisis casts a bright light on that without question. I definitely don't want a return to the old normal. Trump already failed in this crisis by downplaying it for too long and now he wants to re-open? There will most certainly be a major spike in cases and deaths. If you want to sacrifice yourself on the altar of capitalism go ahead, the ruling classes need you to do so. Count me out!
Chill out just a bit. The elderly folks in this country, whom we are trying to defend, need us to go back to work so they can continue to get their SS checks every month. If we don't get back to work, then they will be in far worse shape than they are now.
The government should have declared martial law instead of unconstitutionally "closing business" and enacting "stay-at-home" orders. I believe, if we emerge with any economy left after this insanity subsides, there will be many, many lawsuits due to these restrictions. The local governments are going to fall first.
Actually the moment they declare martial law would mean more unrest than you think keeping us closed a few weeks longer would do. Also it's not unconstitutional when an emergency declaration is in place. Also if you think about it, There's not that many businesses that are non-essential that are closed. Our economy is working but strained. We can go a few more weeks shut down but it's the ignorant like you who want us to reopen immediately and don't care about anybody else's safety and health that are going to prolong our shutdown.
Capitalism is a system built on exploitation and cruelty. It is amazing to see how many are blind to this fact. This crisis casts a bright light on that without question. I definitely don't want a return to the old normal. Trump already failed in this crisis by downplaying it for too long and now he wants to re-open? There will most certainly be a major spike in cases and deaths. If you want to sacrifice yourself on the altar of capitalism go ahead, the ruling classes need you to do so. Count me out!
I count you as a Bolshevik communist, and thanks for revealing your true intentions. Your kind are responsible for over 100 million of the murders in the past 100 years. Capitalism provides for the most liberty and happiness for all. There is no other system that works as efficiently to distribute limited resources, and at the same time, supports personal freedom.
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Actually the moment they declare martial law would mean more unrest than you think keeping us closed a few weeks longer would do. Also it's not unconstitutional when an emergency declaration is in place. Also if you think about it, There's not that many businesses that are non-essential that are closed. Our economy is working but strained. We can go a few more weeks shut down but it's the ignorant like you who want us to reopen immediately and don't care about anybody else's safety and health that are going to prolong our shutdown.
All of what you wrote is false. I do care about peoples safety and health and don't want to see people suffer. You're just not seeing the deleterious affects of the shut-down and how much more it will inflict pain, suffering and death to people.
All of what you wrote is false. I do care about peoples safety and health and don't want to see people suffer. You're just not seeing the deleterious affects of the shut-down and how much more it will inflict pain, suffering and death to people.
Then what is wrong with staying shut down a few more weeks and opening up according to the guidelines? It's a process you think is too slow apparently.
Then what is wrong with staying shut down a few more weeks and opening up according to the guidelines? It's a process you think is too slow apparently.
I think it's unnecessary and too slow. People have been exposed and have much more immunity than we know (you'll soon see the sample testing reveal this). The most vulnerable can choose how they want to live and the rest of us can go back to work so we can help support them.
I count you as a Bolshevik communist, and thanks for revealing your true intentions. Your kind are responsible for over 100 million of the murders in the past 100 years. Capitalism provides for the most liberty and happiness for all. There is no other system that works as efficiently to distribute limited resources, and at the same time, supports personal freedom.

Well you would be wrong on "counting me as a bolshevik". What the Soviets enacted was anything but what Marx had wanted if you read up on it anyway. As for liberty under Capitalism, that is laughable. As for distribution of limited resources, why do 2153 billionaires own more wealth than half the world's population? That is a pretty ------ distribution if you ask me. As for death, plenty have died as a result of Capitalism. Even with COVID-19, the response was delayed in the name of trying to preserve the market. That cost thousands of lives. That isn't to mention our wars which ultimately are tied to the Military-industrial Complex.
Capitalism is a system built on exploitation and cruelty. It is amazing to see how many are blind to this fact. This crisis casts a bright light on that without question. I definitely don't want a return to the old normal. Trump already failed in this crisis by downplaying it for too long and now he wants to re-open? There will most certainly be a major spike in cases and deaths. If you want to sacrifice yourself on the altar of capitalism go ahead, the ruling classes need you to do so. Count me out!
I can assure you. If you want America to become a socialist nation? There will be a civil war here before that happens. I do hope that is not what you are wanting.
They have no choice. Either go bankrupt and close for good or try and survive.
JC Penny is also announcing they will most likely bankrupt and close for good.
Well you would be wrong on "counting me as a bolshevik". What the Soviets enacted was anything but what Marx had wanted if you read up on it anyway. As for liberty under Capitalism, that is laughable. As for distribution of limited resources, why do 2153 billionaires own more wealth than half the world's population? That is a pretty ------ distribution if you ask me. As for death, plenty have died as a result of Capitalism. Even with COVID-19, the response was delayed in the name of trying to preserve the market. That cost thousands of lives. That isn't to mention our wars which ultimately are tied to the Military-industrial Complex.
How many times has Marxism failed? Every. Single. Time! It will never work. It goes against the natural order of humanity. Capitalism has raised the world from the dark ages, socialist/communist ideology will send it back. And I will never agree to live under Marxism of any kind!
They have no choice. Either go bankrupt and close for good or try and survive.
JC Penny is also announcing they will most likely bankrupt and close for good.
JC Penney already had two feat in their grave, though. Their debt load was enormous. But, yeah, chalk it up to another Covid-19 death. That's the name of the game now, anyway.
They have no choice. Either go bankrupt and close for good or try and survive.
JC Penny is also announcing they will most likely bankrupt and close for good.
I'd love to see more businesses do this everywhere! I'll support them!
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