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Political Thread

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Yes! Great idea! Let's all go back to work on Monday. Wait 2 weeks, and watch Covid spread like the wildfires in California. Once 2 million + American's are dead, most of them seniors... we will all be in the streets begging for lifesaving drugs, while the rich continue to prosper because they have access to those drugs. What part don't you understand?
Uh, mine is the truth.... yours is a hypothetical unrealistic scenario.
Cuba and many more. Funny they attack the business owners which I agree they make a lot but they do build and economy. So do these that want socialism want to work like people do in China? Sweat shops? Also the governments in socialist nations still are filthy rich. I’m a perfect world socialism would work but sorry this world will never be perfect. Why do so many people try to come to America from socialist nations? I’m sure those socialist nations would love to have you live there.
Interesting. I wonder if people were perfect if socialism would work? I think it would still be far too clunky and inefficient. Perfect people, I think, would see a free market approach with loads and loads of generosity applied to help the less fortunate.
Uh, mine is the truth.... yours is a hypothetical unrealistic scenario.

Yeah models showing 2 million deaths always seemed overblown to me. Early on I was thinking 75k to 100k as best case and we may not see that if these social distancing measures continue to work.

We are also catching some breaks finally as well. Thankfully so many cases are asymptomatic. If even a small percentage of those were needing hospitalization the story would be diferent.
Interesting. I wonder if people were perfect if socialism would work? I think it would still be far too clunky and inefficient. Perfect people, I think, would see a free market approach with loads and loads of generosity applied to help the less fortunate.
Jim Jones..... "go ahead and drink the Kool-aid"....... Guys, this is a slippery slope. You would be giving up all your freedoms and surrendering all to the government. No more freedom of religion or right to bear arms. I will never agree to anything like that. Shame on y'all.
Uh, mine is the truth.... yours is a hypothetical unrealistic scenario.

Is it though? Are you a doctor? Did you go to med school? Not trying to toss insults, but it's not unrealistic. It could very well still happen. If you are only receiving your information from a man (Trump) who basically said it was like the flu and that it was a hoax fabricated by the Dems, then I would highly recommend finding a new source anything that has to do with science.
Yes! Great idea! Let's all go back to work on Monday. Wait 2 weeks, and watch Covid spread like the wildfires in California. Once 2 million + American's are dead, most of them seniors... we will all be in the streets begging for lifesaving drugs, while the rich continue to prosper because they have access to those drugs. What part don't you understand?
Where is the 98-99% In streets begging for drugs to save them? That’s right there are millions of people looking for jobs trying to get money to buy food instead of drugs
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Jim Jones..... "go ahead and drink the Kool-aid"....... Guys, this is a slippery slope. You would be giving up all your freedoms and surrendering all to the government. No more freedom of religion or right to bear arms. I will never agree to anything like that. Shame on y'all.

Jim Jones let a cult to a mass suicide... I fail to understand your point. Your president wants to reopen ASAP to save his precious stock market, but most importantly his re-election chances. The thing that bothers me is, that if Obama, who I voted for TWICE, pulled the same crap. Well, I'd drop him like a damn boulder. Republicans want to keep throwing the "right to bear arms" or religion into the mix and it hasn't even come to fruition. No one has taken away your guns or your right to practice your religious beliefs. No one's going to take that away from you, despite your conspiracy theories. Warren isn't running either is Bernie, so you all can stop with that rhetoric.
Jim Jones let a cult to a mass suicide... I fail to understand your point. Your president wants to reopen ASAP to save his precious stock market, but most importantly his re-election chances. The thing that bothers me is, that if Obama, who I voted for TWICE, pulled the same crap. Well, I'd drop him like a damn boulder. Republicans want to keep throwing the "right to bear arms" or religion into the mix and it hasn't even come to fruition. No one has taken away your guns or your right to practice your religious beliefs. No one's going to take that away from you, despite your conspiracy theories. Warren isn't running either is Bernie, so you all can stop with that rhetoric.
Why do you think the stock market belongs to Trump? Do you not understand simple economics? This market belongs to everyone... you're probably too young to care about a 401K. or an IRA. We are depending on these for retirement. So, yes, let's get this thing opened up and back on the right track again. You can stay home if you want.
Jim Jones let a cult to a mass suicide... I fail to understand your point. Your president wants to reopen ASAP to save his precious stock market, but most importantly his re-election chances. The thing that bothers me is, that if Obama, who I voted for TWICE, pulled the same crap. Well, I'd drop him like a damn boulder. Republicans want to keep throwing the "right to bear arms" or religion into the mix and it hasn't even come to fruition. No one has taken away your guns or your right to practice your religious beliefs. No one's going to take that away from you, despite your conspiracy theories. Warren isn't running either is Bernie, so you all can stop with that rhetoric.
We need to keep our freedoms on those things. A liberal would try and remove them. Economies mean money. No economies means no
Money. No money means chaos and deaths.
Why do you think the stock market belongs to Trump? Do you not understand simple economics? This market belongs to everyone... you're probably too young to care about a 401K. or an IRA. We are depending on these for retirement. So, yes, let's get this thing opened up and back on the right track again. You can stay home if you want.

I care about people living than I do the damn economy. We recovered from the Great Depression and the Recession of 2009 and came out stronger than ever, Go ask a deceased individual who tragically died from Covid, if they recovered? The answer is no. And just because I am young, doesn't mean I don't understand, at the least, basic economics. I am staying home to save lives. That's all. I have no political agenda when it comes to that.,,
Well I guess we need to stay shut down for a whole year if not more till that vaccine is made that will surely work??‍♂️
Well He promised But I’m sure it’s not his fault. This is in the great governor state of NY!!! ???. He was too busy trying to get his 40,000 ventilators and the ship! Yeah we need him to lead the US??‍♂️
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I care about people living than I do the damn economy. We recovered from the Great Depression and the Recession of 2009 and came out stronger than ever, Go ask a deceased individual who tragically died from Covid, if they recovered? The answer is no. And just because I am young, doesn't mean I don't understand, at the least, basic economics. I am staying home to save lives. That's all. I have no political agenda when it comes to that.,,
We recovered by putting folks back to work. Read your history. America has to be employed for this government to work. It really is not too difficult to understand. If everyone stays home..... how will we survive? The government will be broke in a couple of months, banks will run out of money. Elderly folks will not get any SS benefits, ordinary people will not be able to get simple medications that they need routinely . You are not seeing the larger picture. It's not just about a few people, it's about everyone in this nation.
We recovered by putting folks back to work. Read your history. America has to be employed for this government to work. It really is not too difficult to understand. If everyone stays home..... how will we survive? The government will be broke in a couple of months, banks will run out of money. Elderly folks will not get any SS benefits, ordinary people will not be able to get simple medications that they need routinely . You are not seeing the larger picture. It's not just about a few people, it's about everyone in this nation.
And WW2
It's way more than fair to put in question the economy vs staying locked down for a long time to avoid a major health crisis. The problem is you have to find a balance. Definitely fair to question where the balance is going to be, but it's not out of the question.

Take New York as an example, they likely will be forced to go that far, but they might need to stay locked down until late July-August. As it is, already, some NYC small businesses may already be bankrupt without the possibility of returning. Deaths are a bad thing, but this is also a bad thing as well.

Now I'm not saying to just open up, but we need to work towards doing it sooner rather than much later. If we stay locked down, you're going to see tons of small businesses bankrupt, domestic violence cases increase, and a hoist of other issues. Figuring out that balance is admittedly going to be very difficult. I'm not sure where it is.
We recovered by putting folks back to work. Read your history. America has to be employed for this government to work. It really is not too difficult to understand. If everyone stays home..... how will we survive? The government will be broke in a couple of months, banks will run out of money. Elderly folks will not get any SS benefits, ordinary people will not be able to get simple medications that they need routinely . You are not seeing the larger picture. It's not just about a few people, it's about everyone in this nation.
I truly hope it doesn't come to this, because if it does, it will take at least 5 years to make the adjustment, but more satellite work, at home work, offices being open 24 hours rather than 8, factories doing likewise, may become the new normal (social and worker spacing given existing facility space) ... and if it happens, there could ultimately be net gains as restaurants, gas stations, small businesses possibly see a steady stream of 24 hour income, less peak rate utility bills, all coupled with less crime after dark ... just a thought ... lemonade from a lemon ... ?
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