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Political Thread

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The unfolding coronavirus outbreak and its poor handling suggest he is a buffoon. The things he has said is ridiculous

Trump is desperate for this to not be a big deal, DESPERATE....hence the comment in the middle of the CDC yesterday where he mentions how we were about to hit 30k on the Dow.....he is very worried this crashes the stock market/economy......but only because it hurts him in Nov.....I hate to even think it but part of me thinks the downplaying of concern and limited testing are related to Trump trying to keep perception up that everything is ok and this is no big deal.....
Dangerous precedents is an awesome and generic statement without specifics..

National emergency when there wasnt. Once a democrat gets in office and declares gun violence a national.emergency and takes billions from homeland security and ICE to fund research at the CDC Republicans will cry foul.

Seeking help from foreign govts and investigating political rivals will now be used in every election.
The unfolding coronavirus outbreak and its poor handling suggest he is a buffoon. The things he has said is ridiculous
Come on man, you know better than that. He is trying to keep the American people from panic. At this point I think that is a good tactic. What do you think he should do? Tell everyone over 80 that they are going to die, shut down all industries, and then tell everyone not to go outside? I think the travel ban is enough at this point. The American people are being informed of what is happening. The media is taking care of that. We, alone, are responsible for how we react to that information.
National emergency when there wasnt. Once a democrat gets in office and declares gun violence a national.emergency and takes billions from homeland security and ICE to fund research at the CDC Republicans will cry foul.

Seeking help from foreign govts and investigating political rivals will now be used in every election.
The whole system is messed up, how about one party ramming through obamacare. The border was an open door.

We're in for a mess, Trump is delaying what I fear is inevitable so for now he's what we have, the more he can get done perhaps people will finally wake up, but I doubt it.
Come on man, you know better than that. He is trying to keep the American people from panic. At this point I think that is a good tactic. What do you think he should do? Tell everyone over 80 that they are going to die, shut down all industries, and then tell everyone not to go outside? I think the travel ban is enough at this point. The American people are being informed of what is happening. The media is taking care of that. We, alone, are responsible for how we react to that information.

No we are not being informed. We are being told they have it controlled despite a skyrocketing tally of cases. We are leaps and bounds behind other nations on testing. He is making comments about how doctors are impressed with his genius on the subject. We are having him say "go to work" because its no big deal while he originally canceled a trip to CDC for fear of exposure.
The whole system is messed up, how about one party ramming through obamacare. The border was an open door.

We're in for a mess, Trump is delaying what I fear is inevitable so for now he's what we have, the more he can get done perhaps people will finally wake up, but I doubt it.

I love people who like to tout his accomplishments when in reality he hasnt done nearly as much people think.

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I love people who like to tout his accomplishments when in reality he hasnt done nearly as much people think.
Working on securing the border.
New trade deals
Judiciary being brought back to some semblance of jurists and.not legislators
Standing up for religious freedom
Standing up for unborn children
Tax reform, ehh.. Depending on where you are it was good or bad, think it was a decent idea but for me personally it sucked.
Investing in America

I do like Scoony Doo and he was the smart one..
Don’t like life? Uh, how do you feel about capital punishment?
I support capital punishment .... otherwise there is no fear of punishment for the mass shootings, cop killings, or serial killings that go on today. Make it swift and clean. If you admit to it, or there is irrefutable evidence that you did it, then face the firing squad out back as soon as the sentence is read. Who's with me?
The noun precedence pertains to ranking or status in order of importance or urgency.

  • The medics treated them in order of precedence according to their
  • The rules that govern the precedence of members of the Royal Family are complex.
The noun precedent means an example from the past that provides evidence for an argument. It is most commonly used in legal circles and, more specifically, can be described as a previously decided case that guides the decision of a future case.

  • Having discovered a similar case in the past, the prosecution team used this precedent to support their argument.
  • There is precedent with last year's Smith versus Jones case.
Working on securing the border.
New trade deals
Judiciary being brought back to some semblance of jurists and.not legislators
Standing up for religious freedom
Standing up for unborn children
Tax reform, ehh.. Depending on where you are it was good or bad, think it was a decent idea but for me personally it sucked.
Investing in America

I do like Scoony Doo and he was the smart one..

Only in trump world is "standing up" an accomplishnent.

What policies has he put in place? His border wall will be canceled as soon as he is out. That's his fault because when he has a chance at real legislation where Democrats caved on his 4 pillars ideas he didnt take his money and run and run.
No we are not being informed. We are being told they have it controlled despite a skyrocketing tally of cases. We are leaps and bounds behind other nations on testing. He is making comments about how doctors are impressed with his genius on the subject. We are having him say "go to work" because its no big deal while he originally canceled a trip to CDC for fear of exposure.
He is walking a very fine line between trying to keep people from panicking while also telling them to do the basics like washing their hands and being alert to symptoms. He does not talk like a politician so he uses words that some find stupid or offensive for sure, but he is also in a no win situation with a large portion of people who just hate his guts and what he stands for. He quickly started to implement policies to cut down travel from infected areas and was called racist by some for doing so. It has moved into other countries pretty quickly so I guess some here would have to think their leaders messed up too? I can just about guarantee that this virus will not infect nor kill as many as the flu does every year, especially if people heed the warnings being put out by the CDC, NIH, Doctors and researchers. If we had gotten the truth from the Chinese government right off the bat it would have been very helpful to all countries IMO

I did not vote for nor support Obama's policies while he was President but did not go around constantly criticizing every comment or decision he made ( and I disagreed with virtually everything he did) but he was MY President whether I liked it or supported him. I guess that is what being mature is all about. Opinions are just that, and we are all entitled to them, but sometimes things are not as cut and dried as either side would like or proclaim them to be
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I support capital punishment .... otherwise there is no fear of punishment for the mass shootings, cop killings, or serial killings that go on today. Make it swift and clean. If you admit to it, or there is irrefutable evidence that you did it, then face the firing squad out back as soon as the sentence is read. Who's with me?

The case the other day makes me cringe as a supporter of the DP. No way that man should have been executed.
Come on man, you know better than that. He is trying to keep the American people from panic. At this point I think that is a good tactic. What do you think he should do? Tell everyone over 80 that they are going to die, shut down all industries, and then tell everyone not to go outside? I think the travel ban is enough at this point. The American people are being informed of what is happening. The media is taking care of that. We, alone, are responsible for how we react to that information.

Trump dropped the ball big time, IMO he didnt want this to be a big deal and hurt him in Nov....that how narcissist roll....so he projected what he wanted and played it like no big deal....its a classic case of Trump not really listening to anyone because he does not like what he hears so he went with his gut...the lack of test kits for example, they should have been widespread and plentiful 1-2 months ago, we are the greatest nation on earth how the hell are there no test kits.....if we had those test months ago then maybe we could have limited the early cases and put a lid on how bad this can get, but there is no chance of that now....there will be hundreds if not thousands of needless preventable deaths because we were not looking for it because it was not going to be a big deal and we were "ready" for it.

Best case is we get millions of test kits and test as many sick people as we can and try to convince people to self quarantine if they or close family test positive...its possible over the next 1-2 months that there will be widespread closures of schools and businesses, people are going to limit travel and the economic impact is probably going to be significant as businesses lose money across the board.
I support capital punishment .... otherwise there is no fear of punishment for the mass shootings, cop killings, or serial killings that go on today. Make it swift and clean. If you admit to it, or there is irrefutable evidence that you did it, then face the firing squad out back as soon as the sentence is read. Who's with me?

I agree but it has to be ironclad, confession, DNA, video etc.....1 appeal if you want it within 30 days of sentence....if it fails then carry out the sentence.
I’m just trying to engage in discussion. I don’t think abortion should be used as a form of birth control and I don’t believe in the death penalty. I’m not a hypocrite.
We agree that abortion shouldn't be used as birth control and personally I'm against it completely however that's for an individual to decide. There are states that will allow it even if Roe v Wade was overturned.

Even a penny of my tax dollars should not be used for it, planned parenthood is a horrible nightmare.
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