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Political Thread

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Especially seeing how more government always means less freedom, more taxes, diminished quality of life, Gov't ruins everything it touches but hey bring on more

But more govt means more protection via the police, firefighters, and the military.
It's also unconstitutional, government forcing its citizens to buy it.... can't figure out how it lasted so long. Oh yeah that's right Roberts dropped the ball on that one

Ironically, the mandate was actually a GOP based idea from way back (1990s?) with a goal of making the pool of insureds healthier on average (actuarially sound) by reducing adverse selection. This then keeps average claims down and thus average premiums down.
He flat out said he will and always has stood by defending pre existing conditions. Said on the town hall you where posting clips from tonight.

then he should work with congress to get a plan in place before dismantling the ACA. If the ACA goes then so do the protections for pre existing.
But more govt means more protection via the police, firefighters, and the military.

Also, do folks want more or less of a budget for things like the NWS and roads? The point of these posts is that most everyone who wants less govt still wants as much or more of it for certain things. It isn’t black and white. I’d be willing to bet heavily that most here want more spent on the NWS.
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Of course Chucky once again shows the sheer class of the D's

Can't make this stuff up, it's like a horror movie and what used to be wrong is now right and what used to be right is now wrong.

Lord help us if those kinds of people get total control, they'll make Obamacare look like childs play.
meh, it’s a done deal. It was ruled unconstitutional. What more is there to discuss?

The party who instilled this unconstitutional mandate by ramming it through when they had a majority are the very same ones wanting to run the entire country; absolute power corrupts absolutely; especially when in the hands of liberals/progressives/socialists/communists/whatever you want to call what the D's represent today.

People need to vote, if they choose to have their life run by somebody else then by all means vote for whoever the D's put up; if you prefer life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness then vote for Trump.
Also, do folks want more or less of a budget for things like the NWS and roads? The point of these posts is that most everyone who wants less govt still wants as much or more of it for certain things. It isn’t black and white. I’d be willing to bet heavily that most here want more spent on the NWS.
It's not accurate to say "everyone", so many make these kind of broad brush statements and I never said no Gov't, I said less of it. Gov't should protect it's citizens (military, first responders) not run their lives.
As guaranteed by the constitution. Your protection......

Except some want to disarm us... I’m looking at you Dems. Too bad Jim Webb wasn’t a candidate for the Dems. Problem was that back in 2015 when he was a candidate he came out as a centrist Democrat and the party basically ran him off and told him to GTFOH. He would have been a great democratic candidate.
Judge puts Barr on blast for turning the AG office into Trump's personal defense team.....that last part is stating the obvious but still to have a federal judge say it is pretty significant.

WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge on Thursday sharply rebuked Attorney General William Barr’s handling of the special counsel’s Russia report, saying Barr had made “misleading public statements” to spin the investigation’s findings in favor of President Donald Trump and had shown a “lack of candor.”

Those inconsistencies, Walton wrote, “cause the Court to seriously question whether Attorney General Barr made a calculated attempt to influence public discourse about the Mueller Report in favor of President Trump despite certain findings in the redacted version of the Mueller Report to the contrary.”
Some good news on the economic front. These numbers are for February, any potential impacts of Coronavirus may not be seen for another month or two but still great numbers.

“Nonfarm payrolls grew far more than expected in February as companies continued to hire amid a growing coronavirus scare.

The Labor Department reported Friday that the U.S. economy added 273,000 new jobs during the month, while the unemployment rate was 3.5%, matching its lowest level in more than 50 years.”

Of course Chucky once again shows the sheer class of the D's

Can't make this stuff up, it's like a horror movie and what used to be wrong is now right and what used to be right is now wrong.

Lord help us if those kinds of people get total control, they'll make Obamacare look like childs play.

Yep...If you just leave them alone, they pretty much self-destruct...They're already starting to eat their own....Just pop some more corn!! ?
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