It's your source that has the credibility issue. The peace in between Somalia, Eritrea, Ethiopa, Djibouti, Sudan, and Egypt were a direct result of plan devised by Trump and King Salman of Saudi Arabia to create a "Middle East Strategic Alliance" against Iran and its proxy wars.
Saudi Arabia brokered the deal between the Red Sea States across from Yemen, creating a choke point to blockade Iran from supplying proxies, in addition to, controlling trade through the Suez Canal. The U.S. mediated the Nile River deal between Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt, as well as control basis in Djibouti, Somalia, and Kenya to fight the Iranian-supported Al-Shabbab militia that prevented Horn of Africa countries from forming stable governments.
President Trump’s actions are all part of a grand strategy that eludes all leftist, as well as many others while keeping his campaign promises of no never-ending wars. Those not intelligent enough to see what a grand plan this was whimper about offending Iran and causing our allies to wonder what will happen next. They are sheep, led to slaughter, through their own ignorance. Here's the strategy:
It's actually ironic that Obama received a peace prize as soon as he was elected President, and the winner of this years award won by making a peace deal with the country that the Obama Administration had falsely called a terrorist state. Obama was a major cause of the instability throughout the Horn of Africa state, and divided the region in favor of Iranian-backed militia. He allowed Iran to take Iraq and Lebanon as proxy states, and almost gave away Syria, Yemen, and Afghanistan. Trump has completely reversed Iran's national goal of a Persian empire of Shia" muslims in less than two years by killing the one guy Obama and Bush, not only knew was killing U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, but also had a chance to kill.
Essentially, with one single action, President Trump severely weakened Iran’s ability to wage war through their proxies, caused the world to see just how impotent Iran really is, and proved to the revolutionaries within Iran that America stands with them. I'm stunned by his Administration's performance in the Middle East.