Deleted member 527
Did you see where Biden said last night in his first hundred days no one will be deported so that means come on over! That’s a great strong leader there
Meh I sure don't love the guy but I like his policies enough I'll still vote for him. I don't hate Biden but he just doesn't have what it takes to lead this country
You went from Tulsi to Bernie to Biden?lesser of two evils per usual. Biden is a much better choice for our leader. Nothing is getting done anyways. You will have a split congress no matter who takes over in 2020. For me it’s a matter of who would handle a crisis better and who is the better spokesperson for the US. My candidate was Gabbard and she was rejected by my party so there is that.
You went from Tulsi to Bernie to Biden?
Man I love people who vote red or blue because, well just because the candidates are red or blue. Forget about their success record, their views, their history, their beliefs, etc
Man I love people who vote red or blue because, well just because the candidates are red or blue. Forget about their success record, their views, their history, their beliefs, etc
You done?
Even the more conservative voices are catching on to the great deception that is American economics: unchecked capitalism = socialism for the corporations and the 1%. Debate your mama on it.
Just gonna leave this right here...
Here’s the president’s full quote:At least eight New York Times authors shared a deceptively edited quote Monday from President Donald Trump’s recent call with state governors, creating the false impression that the president is denying federal support for ventilators that are needed in hospitals treating coronavirus patients.
In his message, the president recommended that states procure respirators and ventilators because it would be faster — but added that the federal government “will be backing you.”
The Times journalists omitted the bulk of the president’s statement as they shared the story on social media. The misleading, partial quote was also boosted by a CNN correspondent and became the lead headline at the left-wing Huffington Post.
Despite growing online backlash to this misinformation, the journalists have yet to delete or retract their comments.
He’s telling the governors, Do what you can while we do what we can do. This is excellent advice the liars at the far-left New York Times are deliberately twisting to cause panic, to tell the public the president doesn’t care.Respirators, ventilators, all of the equipment — try getting it yourselves. We will be backing you, but try getting it yourselves. Point of sales, much better, much more direct if you can get it yourself.
Here’s the Google Search screencap which captured CNN’s lie:Google will not be publishing a national-scale website for coronavirus testing anytime soon, contrary to claims made by President Donald Trump during a Friday news conference.
Instead, a health-focused subsidiary owned by Google’s parent company, Alphabet, intends to launch a small-scale website next week to begin to triage California-based patients. The website will aim to serve a broader population only “over time” — not “very quickly,” as Trump said.
“What we’re building is a triage tool that will live on ProjectBaseline.com, and we plan to pilot it in California next week,” said Carolyn Wang, a spokesperson for the Alphabet subsidiary, Verily.
Naturally, there is no editor’s note informing readers the original story was a lie or has been retracted or updated, which is highly unethical.Google will partner with US government to develop a nationwide coronavirus website, company says
Google now says it is working with the government on the creation of a national website containing information about coronavirus symptoms and testing information.
“Google is partnering with the US Government in developing a national website that includes information about COVID-19 symptoms, risk and testing information,” the company said in a series of tweets Saturday evening.
The company did not give a time frame of when such a website would be up and running.
On Friday after the President said Google was helping to develop a website and it would be available soon, the company declined to say it would be publishing a national-scale website for coronavirus testing anytime soon.
In other words, it wasn’t dissolved, it was streamlined.No, the White House didn’t ‘dissolve’ its pandemic response office. I was there.
It has been alleged by multiple officials of the Obama administration, including in The Post, that the president and his then-national security adviser, John Bolton, “dissolved the office” at the White House in charge of pandemic preparedness. Because I led the very directorate assigned that mission, the counterproliferation and biodefense office, for a year and then handed it off to another official who still holds the post, I know the charge is specious.
It is true that the Trump administration has seen fit to shrink the NSC staff. But the bloat that occurred under the previous administration clearly needed a correction. Defense Secretary Robert Gates, congressional oversight committees and members of the Obama administration itself all agreed the NSC was too large and too operationally focused (a departure from its traditional role coordinating executive branch activity). As The Post reported in 2015, from the Clinton administration to the Obama administration’s second term, the NSC’s staff “had quadrupled in size, to nearly 400 people.” That is why Trump began streamlining the NSC staff in 2017.
The reduction of force in the NSC has continued since I departed the White House. But it has left the biodefense staff unaffected[.]
It is this reorganization that critics have misconstrued or intentionally misrepresented. If anything, the combined directorate was stronger because related expertise could be commingled.
Liberal media pundits want you to think referring to the coronavirus as the "Wuhan" or "Chinese" virus is racist.
Here's just a few of the times the liberal media did just that.
3:34 PM - Mar 12, 2020
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11. Trump Silenced Dr. FauciDr. Anthony Fauci, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said Tuesday that the blame for the slow pace of testing for coronavirus in the U.S. does not lie with either President Trump or the CDC.
Fauci told Hugh Hewitt on “The Hugh Hewitt” show that a “technical glitch” resulted in the delay in production of usable tests in the U.S., something Fauci prescribed to random error.
“This has nothing to do with anybody’s fault, certainly not the president’s fault.”
There's no telling what Fox News, especially Hannity, as well as Rush have done as far as slowing down the overall response by the US to the virus spread. I wish I didn't have these thoughts because they are sad thoughts. But I fear that we're a good bit worse off now than we would have been otherwise without them playing it off as no big deal and/or a political plot against Trump.
Aside: I hope this isn't going to be the case as I expect things to be much better well before then. But let's say things are still bad as Election Day approaches. Could it be delayed? For how long? What would that mean if it had to be delayed past Inauguration Day?
Be careful with Breitbart, they're pretty far right on their bias and will skew things that way.Great article. The opening is as good as what Im about to copy and paste. Off Breibart.
Don’t believe me?
Here’s the evidence…
All the media’s coronavirus lies….
Keep in mind, these are not mistakes. Mistakes are random. Mistakes fall both ways. Our fake news media’s “mistakes” fall only one way — in the direction of ginning up panic in our streets and hatred of Trump and his supporters, who have already paid a very heavy price.
As you read this list, no matter what you do, do not call the media the enemy of the people … because that would be wrong.
Now that the media can no longer attack Trump over the coronavirus testing (as you’ll see below), we’ve moved to ventilators. “Ventilators” is the new Katrina, the new metric with which to beat Trump senseless… So naturally, the media are going to lie shamelessly, which is exactly what they are doing, even as I write these words:
- Trump Told Governors to Get Their Own Goddamned Ventilators!
Here’s the president’s full quote:
He’s telling the governors, Do what you can while we do what we can do. This is excellent advice the liars at the far-left New York Times are deliberately twisting to cause panic, to tell the public the president doesn’t care.
What better way to increase the world’s hatred of America, everyone’s hatred of Trump, and cause even more illegal aliens to crash into our country (seeking a vaccine) than to spread the fake news the American president is looking to monopolize any potential coronavirus vaccine?
- Trump Seeks Monopoly on Coronavirus Vaccine
But that is exactly what Reuters, The Guardian, Business Insider, and staffers at the New York Times and MSNBC did.
This lie doesn’t even make sense.
What good would it do America to corner the market on a vaccine? It costs us nothing to share the information so other countries can create their own vaccine. What good does it do the U.S. to sit around and watch everyone else die?
Good ol’ Jim Sciutto, one of the most infamous liars in the country, a former Obama official hired by the serial liars at CNN to serial lie.
- Nationwide Curfew!
“New: There are active discussions within the Trump administration to encourage a possible ‘curfew’ across the nation in which non-essential businesses would have to close by a certain time each night,” Sciutto wrote on social media, citing “CNN reporting.”
It’s not true.
And unless you’re looking to sow panic, it also makes no sense.
What good would a curfew do, most especially a nationwide curfew?
Does the virus only strike at night?
There are reports Patient Zero ate a bat.
Maybe it was a vampire bat!
“Google says it’s not publishing a national-scale coronavirus site,” CNN anti-Trump activist Jake Tapper tweeted to his 2.3 million Twitter followers last week.
- Trump Lied About the Google Website
He linked to a CNN story with the headline, “Google says it’s not publishing a national-scale coronavirus site anytime soon.” This was a story that smeared Trump as a liar for announcing Google will be building a national-scale coronavirus website.
The original and very fake CNN story can be found here.
Here’s the opener:
Here’s the Google Search screencap which captured CNN’s lie:
But now, if you click on that Google link, the CNN story says the exact opposite of what the original story said. Here’s the new headline and opener:
Naturally, there is no editor’s note informing readers the original story was a lie or has been retracted or updated, which is highly unethical.
CNN spread a bald-faced lie to undermine the president, got caught, and did everything in its malevolent power to cover that lie up.
Do I even need to point out how virulent and widespread this talking point has been?
- Trump Shut Down the CDC’s Pandemic Department!
In other words, it wasn’t dissolved, it was streamlined.
This desperate lie, launched by the far-left Politico, was quickly debunked by fact-checkers, including the far-left Washington Post. That’s how big of a lie it is — the Washington Post conceded it was a lie.
- Trump Declared the Coronavirus a Hoax!
Nevertheless, CNN continues to spread this lie.
As has already been exhaustively pointed out, the naming of a virus or disease after a location — including a lily-white location like Lyme, Connecticut — is just how it’s done and has been done forever.
- Calling the Wuhan Virus the ‘Wuhan Virus’ Is Racist
But now it’s racist, even though the very same media declaring it racist is the very same media that first called it the “Chinese Virus” or the “Wuhan Virus,” or some variation thereof.
Here’s a pretty comprehensive list that’s been floating around. There are probably more examples, but this more than makes the point:
Additionally, the video below is nothing less than a devastating compilation of just how dishonest and unserious the media are:
- “Japan and Thailand Confirm New Cases of Chinese Coronavirus,” The New York Times, 1/15/20
- “The CDC and Homeland Security begin screening for Chinese Coronavirus at three major US airports as outbreak spreads in Asia,” CNBC, 1/17/20
- “Vaccine for new Chinese coronavirus in the works,” CNN, 1/20/20
- “First U.S. case of potentially deadly Chinese coronavirus confirmed in Washington state,” Washington Post, 1/21/20
- “Chinese coronavirus outbreak has reached U.S. shores, CDC says,” Los Angeles Times, 1/21/20
- “The First Case Of The Chinese Coronavirus Has Hit The US, CDC Reports,” Buzzfeed, 1/21/20
- “First case of Chinese coronavirus confirmed in Washington state,” NBC’s Today Show, 1/24/20
- “Chinese coronavirus infections, death toll soar as fifth case is confirmed in U.S.,” Washington Post, 1/26/20
- “Japan confirms case of new Chinese virus, spread is ‘concerning,'” Reuters, 1/15/20
- “How the Chinese virus outbreak impacts Lunar New Year travel,” National Geographic, 1/24/20
- “China coronavirus ‘spreads before symptoms show,'” BBC, 1/26/20
- “Over a thousand ‘likely’ infected by Wuhan virus in China: Study,” Al Jazeera, 1/18/20
- “Stop the Wuhan virus,” Nature Magazine editorial, 1/21/20)
- “China confirms Wuhan virus can be spread by humans,” CNN, 1/22/20
- “First U.S. Case Reported of Deadly Wuhan Virus,” Wall Street Journal, 1/22/20
- “Here are the symptoms of the deadly Wuhan coronavirus and when you should be worried,” Business Insider, 1/22/20
- “Something Far Deadlier Than The Wuhan Virus Lurks Near You,” Kaiser Health News, 1/24/20
- “With Wuhan virus genetic code in hand, scientists begin work on a vaccine,” Reuters, 1/24/20
- “The Wuhan Virus: How to Stay Safe,” Foreign Policy, 1/25/20
- “Something Far Deadlier Than The Wuhan Virus Lurks Near You,” USA Today, 1/29/20
- “10-Year-Old Boy Raises Fears Wuhan Virus Could Spread Undetected,” Bloomberg, 1/29/20
- “Your Questions About Wuhan Coronavirus, Answered, National Public Radio, 1/30/20
- “Will the Wuhan virus become a pandemic?” The Economist, 1/30/20
- NOTE: The photo in this article was on their COVER for this issue.
12.2K people are talking about this
To sum this up, the fake news media floods these words and terms into the American lexicon, and then sanctimoniously turns around and attacks those who repeat them as racist.
Everyone from Grandpa Joe Biden to CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta to Esquire to NBC News to, to, to… This is such a lie, the far-left PolitiFact debunked it.
- Trump Rejected WHO Coronavirus Test Kits
This lie arrives courtesy of the welfare queens at NPR and a Newsweek staffer’s hysterical amplification that has been retweeted almost a quarter-million times.
- Trump Blocked Testing Because Lower Numbers are Good for His Reelection
And once again, I ask, how does this makes any sense?
In the face of the facts, Trump is doing back-flips to start testing. What’s more, how does not testing benefit his re-election chances? It’s not as if people who test positive won’t eventually become symptomatic.
This is not just a lie (no other media outlet has confirmed it, which means even CNN couldn’t find a lying source that has lied to them so many times before to lie about this one), it’s by far the stupidest lie on this list.
- It’s Trump Fault Coronavirus Testing Was Delayed
11. Trump Silenced Dr. Fauci
This lie spread like wildfire before Fauci himself was given a chance to tell the truth.
We are plagued with a dishonest, unreliable, unserious, dangerous media, driven only by political calculation and naked greed.
The media are so evil and indecent, even a pandemic can’t cure them.
Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC. Follow his Facebook Page here.
Great article. The opening is as good as what Im about to copy and paste. Off Breibart.
Don’t believe me?
Here’s the evidence…
All the media’s coronavirus lies….
Keep in mind, these are not mistakes. Mistakes are random. Mistakes fall both ways. Our fake news media’s “mistakes” fall only one way — in the direction of ginning up panic in our streets and hatred of Trump and his supporters, who have already paid a very heavy price.
As you read this list, no matter what you do, do not call the media the enemy of the people … because that would be wrong.
Now that the media can no longer attack Trump over the coronavirus testing (as you’ll see below), we’ve moved to ventilators. “Ventilators” is the new Katrina, the new metric with which to beat Trump senseless… So naturally, the media are going to lie shamelessly, which is exactly what they are doing, even as I write these words:
- Trump Told Governors to Get Their Own Goddamned Ventilators!
Here’s the president’s full quote:
He’s telling the governors, Do what you can while we do what we can do. This is excellent advice the liars at the far-left New York Times are deliberately twisting to cause panic, to tell the public the president doesn’t care.
What better way to increase the world’s hatred of America, everyone’s hatred of Trump, and cause even more illegal aliens to crash into our country (seeking a vaccine) than to spread the fake news the American president is looking to monopolize any potential coronavirus vaccine?
- Trump Seeks Monopoly on Coronavirus Vaccine
But that is exactly what Reuters, The Guardian, Business Insider, and staffers at the New York Times and MSNBC did.
This lie doesn’t even make sense.
What good would it do America to corner the market on a vaccine? It costs us nothing to share the information so other countries can create their own vaccine. What good does it do the U.S. to sit around and watch everyone else die?
Good ol’ Jim Sciutto, one of the most infamous liars in the country, a former Obama official hired by the serial liars at CNN to serial lie.
- Nationwide Curfew!
“New: There are active discussions within the Trump administration to encourage a possible ‘curfew’ across the nation in which non-essential businesses would have to close by a certain time each night,” Sciutto wrote on social media, citing “CNN reporting.”
It’s not true.
And unless you’re looking to sow panic, it also makes no sense.
What good would a curfew do, most especially a nationwide curfew?
Does the virus only strike at night?
There are reports Patient Zero ate a bat.
Maybe it was a vampire bat!
“Google says it’s not publishing a national-scale coronavirus site,” CNN anti-Trump activist Jake Tapper tweeted to his 2.3 million Twitter followers last week.
- Trump Lied About the Google Website
He linked to a CNN story with the headline, “Google says it’s not publishing a national-scale coronavirus site anytime soon.” This was a story that smeared Trump as a liar for announcing Google will be building a national-scale coronavirus website.
The original and very fake CNN story can be found here.
Here’s the opener:
Here’s the Google Search screencap which captured CNN’s lie:
But now, if you click on that Google link, the CNN story says the exact opposite of what the original story said. Here’s the new headline and opener:
Naturally, there is no editor’s note informing readers the original story was a lie or has been retracted or updated, which is highly unethical.
CNN spread a bald-faced lie to undermine the president, got caught, and did everything in its malevolent power to cover that lie up.
Do I even need to point out how virulent and widespread this talking point has been?
- Trump Shut Down the CDC’s Pandemic Department!
In other words, it wasn’t dissolved, it was streamlined.
This desperate lie, launched by the far-left Politico, was quickly debunked by fact-checkers, including the far-left Washington Post. That’s how big of a lie it is — the Washington Post conceded it was a lie.
- Trump Declared the Coronavirus a Hoax!
Nevertheless, CNN continues to spread this lie.
As has already been exhaustively pointed out, the naming of a virus or disease after a location — including a lily-white location like Lyme, Connecticut — is just how it’s done and has been done forever.
- Calling the Wuhan Virus the ‘Wuhan Virus’ Is Racist
But now it’s racist, even though the very same media declaring it racist is the very same media that first called it the “Chinese Virus” or the “Wuhan Virus,” or some variation thereof.
Here’s a pretty comprehensive list that’s been floating around. There are probably more examples, but this more than makes the point:
Additionally, the video below is nothing less than a devastating compilation of just how dishonest and unserious the media are:
- “Japan and Thailand Confirm New Cases of Chinese Coronavirus,” The New York Times, 1/15/20
- “The CDC and Homeland Security begin screening for Chinese Coronavirus at three major US airports as outbreak spreads in Asia,” CNBC, 1/17/20
- “Vaccine for new Chinese coronavirus in the works,” CNN, 1/20/20
- “First U.S. case of potentially deadly Chinese coronavirus confirmed in Washington state,” Washington Post, 1/21/20
- “Chinese coronavirus outbreak has reached U.S. shores, CDC says,” Los Angeles Times, 1/21/20
- “The First Case Of The Chinese Coronavirus Has Hit The US, CDC Reports,” Buzzfeed, 1/21/20
- “First case of Chinese coronavirus confirmed in Washington state,” NBC’s Today Show, 1/24/20
- “Chinese coronavirus infections, death toll soar as fifth case is confirmed in U.S.,” Washington Post, 1/26/20
- “Japan confirms case of new Chinese virus, spread is ‘concerning,'” Reuters, 1/15/20
- “How the Chinese virus outbreak impacts Lunar New Year travel,” National Geographic, 1/24/20
- “China coronavirus ‘spreads before symptoms show,'” BBC, 1/26/20
- “Over a thousand ‘likely’ infected by Wuhan virus in China: Study,” Al Jazeera, 1/18/20
- “Stop the Wuhan virus,” Nature Magazine editorial, 1/21/20)
- “China confirms Wuhan virus can be spread by humans,” CNN, 1/22/20
- “First U.S. Case Reported of Deadly Wuhan Virus,” Wall Street Journal, 1/22/20
- “Here are the symptoms of the deadly Wuhan coronavirus and when you should be worried,” Business Insider, 1/22/20
- “Something Far Deadlier Than The Wuhan Virus Lurks Near You,” Kaiser Health News, 1/24/20
- “With Wuhan virus genetic code in hand, scientists begin work on a vaccine,” Reuters, 1/24/20
- “The Wuhan Virus: How to Stay Safe,” Foreign Policy, 1/25/20
- “Something Far Deadlier Than The Wuhan Virus Lurks Near You,” USA Today, 1/29/20
- “10-Year-Old Boy Raises Fears Wuhan Virus Could Spread Undetected,” Bloomberg, 1/29/20
- “Your Questions About Wuhan Coronavirus, Answered, National Public Radio, 1/30/20
- “Will the Wuhan virus become a pandemic?” The Economist, 1/30/20
- NOTE: The photo in this article was on their COVER for this issue.
12.2K people are talking about this
To sum this up, the fake news media floods these words and terms into the American lexicon, and then sanctimoniously turns around and attacks those who repeat them as racist.
Everyone from Grandpa Joe Biden to CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta to Esquire to NBC News to, to, to… This is such a lie, the far-left PolitiFact debunked it.
- Trump Rejected WHO Coronavirus Test Kits
This lie arrives courtesy of the welfare queens at NPR and a Newsweek staffer’s hysterical amplification that has been retweeted almost a quarter-million times.
- Trump Blocked Testing Because Lower Numbers are Good for His Reelection
And once again, I ask, how does this makes any sense?
In the face of the facts, Trump is doing back-flips to start testing. What’s more, how does not testing benefit his re-election chances? It’s not as if people who test positive won’t eventually become symptomatic.
This is not just a lie (no other media outlet has confirmed it, which means even CNN couldn’t find a lying source that has lied to them so many times before to lie about this one), it’s by far the stupidest lie on this list.
- It’s Trump Fault Coronavirus Testing Was Delayed
11. Trump Silenced Dr. Fauci
This lie spread like wildfire before Fauci himself was given a chance to tell the truth.
We are plagued with a dishonest, unreliable, unserious, dangerous media, driven only by political calculation and naked greed.
The media are so evil and indecent, even a pandemic can’t cure them.
Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC. Follow his Facebook Page here.
Sanders calls it quits
Bernie Sanders to suspend Facebook ad campaigns: Report
Hours after Biden cruised through Arizona, Florida and Illinois, Sanders suspended his Facebook ad campaign.www.foxbusiness.com
Agree 100%....there is always time to hate the man in a couple months if that's what folks are into. I didn't have time to dislike Obama in a public forum because I was too busy fighting terrorist so this has been an eye opener to me in many regards since retirement. My wife has to remind me of this often....that Im not at war anymoreYou know, sometimes we can’t see the forest for the trees. I didn’t vote for the man, but the depths that certain media outlets will sink to destroy The Office of The President is reprehensible. As I have stated before, you have the left view, the right view, and the truth which straddles the line between the two.
As prior service, I was always taught to respect my chain of command and if I didn’t agree with an order, if it was a lawful order, I followed it. I was taught that if I didn’t hold any respect for a higher ranked person, that rank and their office got the respect no matter what I thought of the person holding that office. People seem to forget this fact.
I recall my 10th General Order:
To salute all officers and colors and standards not cased.
People need to respect the office and get behind our leaders in this time of crisis.
I don't want to throw any fuel onto the fire so please don't take this that way. No matter where you stand in the political spectrum there has to be at least a slight acknowledgement we're seeing Trump as the Commander in Chief; yes it may have taken a while to see some of this for some but props should at least be given to actions being taken and leadership being shown.
For the most part at least we're seeing an adult; just take away a few "twitters" here and there and it would be even better..
Who was it? Gary Johnson or Jill Stein? ?You know, sometimes we can’t see the forest for the trees. I didn’t vote for the man, but the depths that certain media outlets will sink to destroy The Office of The President is reprehensible. As I have stated before, you have the left view, the right view, and the truth which straddles the line between the two.
As prior service, I was always taught to respect my chain of command and if I didn’t agree with an order, if it was a lawful order, I followed it. I was taught that if I didn’t hold any respect for a higher ranked person, that rank and their office got the respect no matter what I thought of the person holding that office. People seem to forget this fact.
I recall my 10th General Order:
To salute all officers and colors and standards not cased.
People need to respect the office and get behind our leaders in this time of crisis.
When a post is partisan it's deleted. So many posts like that in there yesterday. Posting about a governor giving a news conference, yes that's fine. Posting about "The liberals are stopping our country" or "the GOP and Trump suck at their response" is not for that thread. Keep those in here. If you're posting angrily, reconsider posting entirely and check where and what you're posting.cleanup in china virus thread.
Hope it's across the board although at this point it's also been turned into a political issue primarily by the democrats. Where do mods draw the line as almost everything in there has a political tinge; including people quoting numbers which as is turning out to be true and as has been supposed are not supported by the actual underlying data.
Yes lets open everything up and watch this magically go away.
When a post is partisan it's deleted. So many posts like that in there yesterday. Posting about a governor giving a news conference, yes that's fine. Posting about "The liberals are stopping our country" or "the GOP and Trump suck at their response" is not for that thread. Keep those in here. If you're posting angrily, reconsider posting entirely and check where and what you're posting.