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Political Thread

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These 3 items have exactly what to do with the virus?

Via senior GOP aide, Schumer/Pelosi now pushing these demands amid pandemic-fueled economic collapse:
1) Unprecedented collective bargaining powers for unions
2) Increased fuel emissions standards for airlines
3) Expansion of wind and solar tax credits

Exactly Democrats are scum to our country. The only thing in this plan should be resources to help with this pandemic no political wish list.

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Since Congress more specifically pelosi and Schumer can’t pass a bill out of hate and spite for Trump. There’s a good chance business may be back open as normal at the end of the 15 days. Hate to say that but if there’s no help for workers and businesses. I don’t think Trump will continue to keep things at a standstill. Because he has to weigh the risk of deaths from virus vs people losing homes and going hungry. It’s sad that both branches of government can’t put politics aside. To help the American people listening to McConnell I believe the GOP has tried

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Sounds like your vision of a trump America is one where citizens dont mean anything and some are expendable. Sounds like China to me.
Sounds like your vision of a trump America is one where citizens dont mean anything and some are expendable. Sounds like China to me.

All I want is help for businesses so people don’t lose jobs. And a Check to make up for loss money. Also additional resources for hospitals. That’s it! This has nothing to do with Trumps America

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Trump tweeted this last night:

11:50 PM - Mar 22, 2020

Fox News host Steve Hilton just before this said this:

“Our ruling class and their TV mouthpieces whipping up fear over this virus, they can afford an indefinite shutdown. Working Americans can’t, they’ll be crushed by it. You know that famous phrase, ‘The cure is worse than the disease?’ That is exactly the territory we are hurting towards.”

Trump is going back to being guided by Fox News OMG. He finally saw the light 10 days ago, stopped downplaying the virus, and got serious. I think his ratings started going up when he did this. Let’s hope he’s not backtracking due to Fox News and that he listens to folks like Dr. Fauci. Please don’t lift the restrictions at the end of day 15 because Fox News recommends it. Steve Hilton vs Dr. Fauci? I don’t think it is even close whose recommendations should be followed.
Trump tweeted this last night:

11:50 PM - Mar 22, 2020

Fox News host Steve Hilton just before this said this:

“Our ruling class and their TV mouthpieces whipping up fear over this virus, they can afford an indefinite shutdown. Working Americans can’t, they’ll be crushed by it. You know that famous phrase, ‘The cure is worse than the disease?’ That is exactly the territory we are hurting towards.”

Trump is going back to being guided by Fox News OMG. He finally saw the light 10 days ago, stopped downplaying the virus, and got serious. I think his ratings started going up when he did this. Let’s hope he’s not backtracking due to Fox News and that he listens to folks like Dr. Fauci. Please don’t lift the restrictions at the end of day 15 because Fox News recommends it. Steve Hilton vs Dr. Fauci? I don’t think it is even close whose recommendations should be followed.

A president who takes the lead from a news source is like a comedian who has to steal jokes. Cant come up with their own ---- so they borrow.

Trump takes it a step further. The fox news clip probably got lots of cheers from his followers and so trump restates so they cheer for him........its sickening.
Yeah lets not forget that we basically did NOTHING to slow its spread in the US, not having testing seriously hindered the ability to stop the community spread of this when it was first here. The wait and see/downplay attitude by the administration really glossed over the reality of what was happening.

He doesn't win prizes for finally acting like a adult he is the damn president of the USA....he made this bed we all have to lay in, right now the really is no point in going on and on about it his reckoning will come in Nov....Trump dropped the ball bigly, it was a tremendous ball drop....

No he did not.

He is the best President we have had since Reagan and he is looking after the backs of working men and women.

We are blessed to have him and he is the man that God has tapped to lead us through this.
No he did not.

He is the best President we have had since Reagan and he is looking after the backs of working men and women.

We are blessed to have him and he is the man that God has tapped to lead us through this.

See the above video of Trump downplaying this time after time, saying the cases were low, they were going to go away, that we had it under control......all lies mostly because he wanted to protect the stock market and economy, but not because he cares about us and the hardships we face if they crash but rather because if they tank his chances of losing in Nov go up. Also Reagan was a real leader and Trump does not belong in the same sentence as a man like Reagan.....its a damn insult to Reagan to compare Trump to him at all.
Yeah lets not forget that we basically did NOTHING to slow its spread in the US, not having testing seriously hindered the ability to stop the community spread of this when it was first here. The wait and see/downplay attitude by the administration really glossed over the reality of what was happening.

Dr. Fauci himself praised Donald Trump on his early travel restrictions saying it "saved lives".....
I can take a bomb out of a subway car filled with 50 people and throw it in a subway car with 25 people and save lives. Doesnt mean i did anything preventing the bomb from going off.
He saved lives! That's actually a GOOD THING even for someone who hates him to admit....
Dr. Fauci himself praised Donald Trump on his early travel restrictions saying it "saved lives".....

There were already cases in the US when Trump did the travel ban with China, and even that ban has not stopped travel from China, flights arrive in the US everyday from China, and Europe.....and have the entire time, go to Flightradar 24 and you can track these flights in realtime...its all for show.

Here is a flight 2 days ago from Bejing, there are dozens of flights in the air right now to the US from Germany, Spain, Italy, France etc....

21 Mar 2020
Beijing (PEK)Los Angeles (LAX)CA98711:156:30 PM6:54 PM3:50 PMLanded 3:09 PM KML

"On Saturday, Italy announced that 793 people had died that day from COVID-19, the coronavirus that originated in China that has rapidly spread across the world. That was up from 627 deaths that had occurred on Friday and 427 on Thursday. The death toll is now well over 5,000 in that country alone.

Also on Saturday, two Alitalia flights took off from Rome’s Leonardo da Vinci International Airport and landed at New York’s JFK Airport.

Feb. 24, meanwhile, was China’s deadliest day from COVID-19; if Beijing’s possibly suspect statistics are to be believed, 149 people died from the coronavirus on that day. That afternoon, an Air China 777 arrived at JFK after a 13-hour flight from Beijing. The following day, Los Angeles International Airport welcomed flights from both Beijing and Shanghai."
Dr. Fauci himself praised Donald Trump on his early travel restrictions saying it "saved lives".....

Absolutely and I agree that that was a great decision. And Trump reminded of this great decision over and over and over while also downplaying the spread of the virus into the US as @Downeastnc said, which itself caused us to lose ground as a result.

If Trump were to lift the restrictions at the end of 15 days, Dr. Fauci wouldn't be praising that. How can the US be unified if Trump is wishy washy?
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Yeah lets not forget that we basically did NOTHING to slow its spread in the US, not having testing seriously hindered the ability to stop the community spread of this when it was first here. The wait and see/downplay attitude by the administration really glossed over the reality of what was happening.

Looks like he was in good company with the rest of the western world seeing they are faring no better.
Absolutely and I agree that that was a great decision. And Trump reminded of this great decision over and over and over while also downplaying the spread of the virus into the US as @Downeastnc said, which itself caused us to lose ground as a result.

If Trump were to lift the restrictions at the end of 15 days, Dr. Fauci wouldn't be praising that. How can the US be unified if Trump is wishy washy?

Keep in mind Trump has a lot of access and inside info on things that we don’t have. Perhaps his statement is meant simply to speed up congress on a stimulus deal. Maybe he’s received some intelligence suggesting this won’t be as big of a deal as initially feared or that the effects of shutting things down too long will be worse than the virus.. or maybe with the new anti-viral drugs he knows we can start easing things up and treat the sick with those to minimize the effects of the virus. Could be a lot of things.
Keep in mind Trump has a lot of access and inside info on things that we don’t have. Perhaps his statement is meant simply to speed up congress on a stimulus deal. Maybe he’s received some intelligence suggesting this won’t be as big of a deal as initially feared or that the effects of shutting things down too long will be worse than the virus.. or maybe with the new anti-viral drugs he knows we can start easing things up and treat the sick with those to minimize the effects of the virus. Could be a lot of things.
Agree. It doesn't take high level intelligence to decipher what he meant
The whitehouse team,president have done a wonderfull job up till now handling this crisis. Hopefully this cocktail that will be heavily used in NYC starting tommorow nets the same results as it did in France. If so, we save lives and start salvaging the economy and reving it back up. Thats probably disheartening news to several on the left who are seeing this crisis as a way to regain power and advance their agenda. Its not about getting rid of Trump in Nov only because they hate him on a personal level. Underneath its all about advancing that progressive,globalist ,socialist agenda. Trump could have the character of Billy Graham and it wouldnt matter.
Just look at the left trying to put all this garbage in bills, instead of solely addressing this crisis.
I guess give up on the bill. Open things back up and let the Democrats have blood on there hands. Sad but True. Wish I wasn’t blocked from posting in the Caronavirus thread. Was gonna ask if South Carolina gonna do a stay at home order?
Absolutely and I agree that that was a great decision. And Trump reminded of this great decision over and over and over while also downplaying the spread of the virus into the US as @Downeastnc said, which itself caused us to lose ground as a result.

If Trump were to lift the restrictions at the end of 15 days, Dr. Fauci wouldn't be praising that. How can the US be unified if Trump is wishy washy?

The cocktail Gawx. If it works, we will know at day 15. If it doesnt then probably will see a continuation. Trump is trying to solve a problem, defeat an enemy like Fauci. Trumps isnt gonna sit back on his hands for 6 to 12 months waiting on infalliable testing. Thats not wishy washy, Thats leading being pro active,turning over every stone.
The only reason for this shutdown is to save lives. If this cocktail cuts the mortality rate 90 percent plus. Then we dont need to stay shut down for another 1 to 3 months.
Nice to know Congress can work together in a crisis in a bipartisan way to work out something to help the economy... oh wait... it got blocked again by the democrats. I don't care which side of the aisle a person is on, the inability of Congress to get something passed after working all weekend and today is inexcusable in a crisis like this.
Absolutely and I agree that that was a great decision. And Trump reminded of this great decision over and over and over while also downplaying the spread of the virus into the US as @Downeastnc said, which itself caused us to lose ground as a result.

If Trump were to lift the restrictions at the end of 15 days, Dr. Fauci wouldn't be praising that. How can the US be unified if Trump is wishy washy?

Keep in mind much of the early "downplaying" of the virus was likely political speak to prevent an all out panic from happening. If Trump came out and said hundreds of thousands will get sick and thousands will die what do you think would have happened? I also don't think we were losing ground, it seems to me while he was trying to keep the public calm his team was working in the background to go through the red tape and other processes to prepare for what we are seeing now. There was a ton of red tape they had to work through and logistical prep that had to come.
Nice to know Congress can work together in a crisis in a bipartisan way to work out something to help the economy... oh wait... it got blocked again by the democrats. I don't care which side of the aisle a person is on, the inability of Congress to get something passed after working all weekend and today is inexcusable in a crisis like this.

Do you think it's right that there will be 500 BILLION dollars in this bill that can be given to any company or political crony without the public knowing anything for 6 months? Shouldn't we know where our dollars are going and who is being bailed out?
Do you think it's right that there will be 500 BILLION dollars in this bill that can be given to any company or political crony without the public knowing anything for 6 months? Shouldn't we know where our dollars are going and who is being bailed out?

The reason they don’t mention who the money goes to is to prevent panic. For example if you made it public immediately that 15 billion is going to go to a financial institution, you would see that company really get hit hard (stock market and run on the bank) with people pulling their money out. Also, the reason for the holdup is because they want to tack on a bunch of “pork” to this bill, now is not the time for that kind of mess.
The reason they don’t mention who the money goes to is to prevent panic. For example if you made it public immediately that 15 billion is going to go to a financial institution, you would see that company really get hit hard (stock market and run on the bank) with people pulling their money out. Also, the reason for the holdup is because they want to tack on a bunch of “pork” to this bill, now is not the time for that kind of mess.

Why would someone make a run on a bank that is getting 15 billion in bailout money? The real reason is so that money can be given to whomever the White House wants it to be given to, including to the president's own businesses, without creating political fallout. We need transparency especially when the government is choosing winners and losers in situations like this.
Do you think it's right that there will be 500 BILLION dollars in this bill that can be given to any company or political crony without the public knowing anything for 6 months? Shouldn't we know where our dollars are going and who is being bailed out?
I didnt see your side worrying back in 2009 when the Dems sent billions directly to the banks , who did nothing but buy back their stocks, and not loan anything to business going under.
Keep in mind much of the early "downplaying" of the virus was likely political speak to prevent an all out panic from happening. If Trump came out and said hundreds of thousands will get sick and thousands will die what do you think would have happened? I also don't think we were losing ground, it seems to me while he was trying to keep the public calm his team was working in the background to go through the red tape and other processes to prepare for what we are seeing now. There was a ton of red tape they had to work through and logistical prep that had to come.

The problem is that Trump's word was already not believable due to numerous lies and exaggerations. What do you think adding this severe downplaying does to that already not believed word of Trump's?
Why would someone make a run on a bank that is getting 15 billion in bailout money? The real reason is so that money can be given to whomever the White House wants it to be given to, including to the president's own businesses, without creating political fallout. We need transparency especially when the government is choosing winners and losers in situations like this.
This has 0 to do with transparency. This is solely about blowing up the economy in an effort to help your side win an election in Nov. The Dems will do anything they can to sabatage a recovery after this. Games up. Dont hide behind catchisms of transparency, we want the american citizen helped, not corporations.
The cocktail Gawx. If it works, we will know at day 15. If it doesnt then probably will see a continuation. Trump is trying to solve a problem, defeat an enemy like Fauci. Trumps isnt gonna sit back on his hands for 6 to 12 months waiting on infalliable testing. Thats not wishy washy, Thats leading being pro active,turning over every stone.
The only reason for this shutdown is to save lives. If this cocktail cuts the mortality rate 90 percent plus. Then we dont need to stay shut down for another 1 to 3 months.

A shutdown of 15 days is going to be nowhere close to sufficient to contain this virus, just look at the second wave of cases showing up in China now when they lifted their bans, anyone with half a brain could put 2 and 2 together and realize we're gonna need at a bare minimum, a shut down lasting thru basically most of the summer to contain the virus and prevent secondary outbreaks.
The problem is that Trump's word was already not believable due to numerous lies and exaggerations. What do you think adding this severe downplaying does to that already not believed word of Trump's?

I'd rather a president do what he can to prevent mass panic vs hype things up or tell people 2 months in advance it's going to be a disaster and have to deal with the panic that would follow. ALL politicians lie and exaggerate things all the time, I hate it, but that's how politics work and both sides are guilty of doing that in various forms.
Keep in mind much of the early "downplaying" of the virus was likely political speak to prevent an all out panic from happening. If Trump came out and said hundreds of thousands will get sick and thousands will die what do you think would have happened? I also don't think we were losing ground, it seems to me while he was trying to keep the public stock market calm his team was working in the background to go through the red tape and other processes to prepare for what we are seeing now. There was a ton of red tape they had to work through and logistical prep that had to come.

Fixed it for ya.....
The cocktail Gawx. If it works, we will know at day 15. If it doesnt then probably will see a continuation. Trump is trying to solve a problem, defeat an enemy like Fauci. Trumps isnt gonna sit back on his hands for 6 to 12 months waiting on infalliable testing. Thats not wishy washy, Thats leading being pro active,turning over every stone.
The only reason for this shutdown is to save lives. If this cocktail cuts the mortality rate 90 percent plus. Then we dont need to stay shut down for another 1 to 3 months.

I thought Dr. Fauci was saying it takes time to make sure a drug, even though it is an old one for malaria treatment, is effective for a new disease. The good doc said he's not at all against hope and optimism but that that, alone, doesn't equate to full steam ahead for the widespread adoption of the malaria drug for COVID-19 before enough trial testing has been done. You don't want to give false optimism, either, as he essentially said.
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This has 0 to do with transparency. This is solely about blowing up the economy in an effort to help your side win an election in Nov. The Dems will do anything they can to sabatage a recovery after this. Games up. Dont hide behind catchisms of transparency, we want the american citizen helped, not corporations.
Are you saying that republicans want to help the average citizen and not corporations? The democrats are the only ones who want to require that corporations who receive bailout money not layoff workers as a condition of receiving that money. There was NO protection for the average person in the republican's bill. It was solely aimed at the c-suite and not the average person.
I thought Dr. Fauci was saying it takes time to make sure a drug, even though it is an old one for malaria treatment, takes time for enough trials to make sure it is effective for a new disease. The good doc said he's not at all against hope and optimism but that that, alone, doesn't equate to full steam ahead for the widespread adoption of the malaria drug for COVID-19 before enough trial testing has been done.

There are several starting up right now. (trials) It's interesting that several are drugs designed for RA. It appears there is a real connection there?
The problem is that Trump's word was already not believable due to numerous lies and exaggerations. What do you think adding this severe downplaying does to that already not believed word of Trump's?

Yeah I do not see how trump inevitably quelled any substantial panic whatsoever given how little credibility he has except with his extremely loyal and dwindling base. If you need proof of this just watch how the stock market has reacted each time he's publicly spoken on CoV-19, the overwhelming majority of the time, we've plummeted.

Literally everything he has said up to this point has been complete & utter bull crap, pretending that it's totally okay to lie to everyone before and during a national crisis and brushing it off as "they're just trying to prevent panic" is extremely dangerous. It's the equivalent of you getting stabbed in the chest 50x, suffering extreme internal hemorrhaging and shutting down some of your vital organs, requiring an immediate visit to the ER, and the doctor says you only have a few minor scratches.

If you're a conservative, registered republican like myself (even voting for Trump in 2016) and you're not completely embarrassed by what Trump has publicly said up to this point, you need some serious help.

Yeah I do not see how trump inevitably quelled any substantial panic whatsoever given how little credibility he has except with his extremely loyal and dwindling base. If you need proof of this just watch how the stock market has reacted each time he's publicly spoken on CoV-19, the overwhelming majority of the time, we've plummeted.

Literally everything he has said up to this point has been complete & utter bull crap, pretending that it's totally okay to lie to everyone before and during a national crisis and brushing it off as "they're just trying to prevent panic" is extremely dangerous. It's the equivalent of you getting stabbed in the chest 50x, suffering extreme internal hemorrhaging and shutting down some of your vital organs, requiring an immediate visit to the ER, and the doctor says you only have a few minor scratches.

If you're a conservative, registered republican like myself (even voting for Trump in 2016) and you're not completely embarrassed by what Trump has publicly said up to this point, you need some serious help.

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Trumps stance early own was to not cause panic. In his mind he knew it was a pandemic

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