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Wintry Nov 30-Dec 1 Flurries/Snow Showers

Theres not a lot of mountains NW of Atlanta, not the high mountains you see in NE GA and NC so that may help the cold air get to Atlanta easier than the Carolinas.
Bingo. I remember living in Birmingham it would get colder faster than even Atlanta.
If only..

I don't buy it for a second we've been unlucky for so long
You would be correct models can flip from cold to warm in one day. That's why I am not playing my ace card just yet. Ace card means I am all in, witch. I'm not at this time because it can change 8 time's between now and then, now. If it was in more certain territory like Dec 1st-3rd. I would be all in for it. I know for certain one thing we are getting here in North Texas is the cold temperatures from it is nighttime temperatures of 25-30 degrees across the DFW area.
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You would be correct models can flip from cold to warm in one day. That's why I am not playing my ace card just yet. Ace card means I am all in, witch. I'm not at this time because it can change 8 time's between now and then, now. If it was in more certain territory like Dec 1st-3rd. I would be all in for it. I know for certain one thing we are getting here North Texas is the cold temperatures from it is nighttime temperatures of 25-30 degrees at night across the DFW area.

it is interesting to see some EPS support but yeah I'm gonna need a lot more runs lol

if it happens on Thursday though I'm off work lol