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Pattern Nippy November

Isotherm's winter outlook is now up: http://www.lightinthestorm.com/

Hint: Mods, delete my post before someone clicks the link and jumps out the window. :(
This should go in the Winter Discussion forum, I never look in there, therefore not temped to read outlooks and in conclusion I don't get depressed.
GFS is still looking good for some winter weather here. Euro not so much. Have to see where they go today before really calling it a trend one way or another after the back and forth and swamping the GFS and Euro have done since Monday.
Given the dry cold airmass I believe initial sleet to cold rain is AT MINIMUM on the table for the majority on this board. CMC shows this well into Georgia through the Carolinas. Although if something goes wrong it’s likely limited to mtns/hills. For the end of the run system.
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GFS is still looking good for some winter weather here. Euro not so much. Have to see where they go today before really calling it a trend one way or another after the back and forth and swamping the GFS and Euro have done since Monday.
Not so much... this is the 06z. Plus I don't know how much "back and forth" there really has been. Both have been showing a marginal event at best.

That southern stream would even really intrigue me for my purposes if you could just get the darn thing to kick before the warm up starts. Unfortunately it hasn't so I was silently hoping that it'd work out harmoniously for others here.

Instead it's probably a swing and a miss entirely.
Can’t like this trend, western ridge weakening and broadening out, that doesn’t help the situation out at all, taller western ridge would help out a lot instead of a broad one E25C8646-8783-46E7-AB54-78DA65085C8C.gif
GFS is still looking good for some winter weather here. Euro not so much. Have to see where they go today before really calling it a trend one way or another after the back and forth and swamping the GFS and Euro have done since Monday.

I think it’s the other way around... Euro is the one that looks ok, see the trend in the GFS I posted earlier, that’s not looking good.

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Gfs/gefs /cmc/icon shows second storm. Maybe to warm but very close to onset frozen, if any faster it could get interesting
That mess needs to push north, lol.
Here are the winners this runD0ABFE2D-DFA3-4065-B4CD-33503FA1A8DC.png lol, but anyways I’m skeptical of the gfs and it’s suppression, this is the last storm which it did horribly on15A3937B-66D4-4E4B-84B1-97425A3858D1.gif
And this is why we do t get hooked on a system this early. If you do you'll be disappointed. Its isn't real. Just a mirage that we chase for years and never reach.

Me myself I don’t really expect it to happen, it’s only November lol, I just enjoy tracking it and using that pattern to compare to any future patterns that look similar