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Pattern Nippy November

Looking over models tonight I’ve been thinking that I really don’t think we have seen the final look of how these next couple weeks are going to play out .. there may be room after this huge shot of cold are of a system running into it ... I feel like we just haven’t pinned down the exact evolution of how this pattern will play out
On tonight's 0z GFS run, I'm comparing 0z run from Wednesdays run since that run was a good run in my opinion. So far, there are no major changes at 500mb (vort) This means tonight's 0z run should be similar to the 0z run from Wednesday.
Looking like a beefy Gfs coming ... looks like more precipitation around with this one.. let’s see how it evolves..
On tonight's 0z GFS run, I'm comparing 0z run from Wednesdays run since that run was a good run in my opinion. So far, there are no major changes at 500mb (vort) This means tonight's 0z run should be similar to the 0z run from Wednesday.
Seems to be more precipitation with this one around Kentucky and surrounding areas on this nights run vs last nights ... high pressure dominated more last night ... I think this run could be interesting
On tonight's 0z GFS run, I'm comparing 0z run from Wednesdays run since that run was a good run in my opinion. So far, there are no major changes at 500mb (vort) This means tonight's 0z run should be similar to the 0z run from Wednesday.
Gfs low is slower than 18z and even slower than 12z this will keep the wave further south and potentially more wintery precip into the region.
Edit: or not
This is one of those situations where who ever gets wintry precip under the deep low, will get crushed
If this wasn’t early November I’d be far more interested

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If this wasn’t early November I’d be far more interested

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I totally agree, but under that deep moisture with a 1008 L in the gulf, if wintry precip fell it would be heavy
Last few gefs member suits has been showing a central MS/Al hit.
Gah. That’s cold chasing moisture if I ever saw it.

Gotta love junky anafrontal setups to get the show rolling for season. Surface temperatures are obviously warm so we'll need a nice thump for anything to stick on the ground. There's some negative omega in the DGZ so maybe the snow rate will get it done for a quick inch or two in this particular set-up?