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Severe New Year's Week Severe Threat(s)

It appears lack of overwhelming forcing is helping to keep things a bit more isolated if I had to guess. Things to watch that will elevate the threat is lapse rates and if instability is underdone.
What's with all the weenies and fails guys?
We love you man. Keep posting away. This threat looks pretty formidable from what I just saw on modeling, but there’s disagreement. Just wait for the NAM to get into better range though
What's with all the weenies and fails guys?

There's confusion on the timing/difference in the events to be fair.

Like right now, it's a sloppy mess outside imby. The original stuff that came through MS didn't pan out as the NAM had on it's more aggressive runs.

Kicking the can down to Tuesday onward (a completely different event), which is after New Years it seems.
Here's my issue,

This is a weather forum 1st and foremost I would hope. whenever there's possibility of bad weather here typically Georgia-west. It's always fun and most the board members west of that divide enjoy talking and posting stuff amateur or not sure always differing opinions because weather is not a easy thing to forecast. But there's always a clique of sarcastic annoying posters east of Georgia that come in and are either sarcastic butts or spam informative posts from people that live in my state or adjacent states ; analysis from amateurs or just people that love weather like me. and make it a fall in line or thou be criticized and spammed or some stupid crap and they don't even post anything informative or to help anything. Y'all know the clique. We are all adults don't understand why everyone can't just act it and get along or have healthy discourse on weather. It's always been a issue since I've been on the board and I imagine it drives away newbies / amateurs who just like weather and want to post. Almost like a frat house mob east of that divide. Keep doing what y'all do not asking for change or anything but more so a outlook from myself , but eventually the people that come that love weather will get aggravated and either not post or leave.

So that's my qualm.
Here's my issue,

This is a weather forum 1st and foremost I would hope. whenever there's possibility of bad weather here typically Georgia-west. It's always fun and most the board members west of that divide enjoy talking and posting stuff amateur or not sure always differing opinions because weather is not a easy thing to forecast. But there's always a clique of sarcastic annoying posters east of Georgia that come in and are either sarcastic butts or spam informative posts from people that live in my state or adjacent states ; analysis from amateurs or just people that love weather like me. and make it a fall in line or thou be criticized and spammed or some stupid crap and they don't even post anything informative or to help anything. Y'all know the clique. We are all adults don't understand why everyone can't just act it and get along or have healthy discourse on weather. It's always been a issue since I've been on the board and I imagine it drives away newbies / amateurs who just like weather and want to post. Almost like a frat house mob east of that divide. Keep doing what y'all do not asking for change or anything but more so a outlook from myself , but eventually the people that come that love weather will get aggravated and either not post or leave.

So that's my qualm.
Relax man. Just ignore the reactions and keep doing your thing man. Just keep fail modes in mentions though, because when you just say things that lean towards something one sided (saying tornado outbreak or things along the line) then people may take it that your hyping, im just trying to help man, as a fellow severe weenie
Interesting look by the FV3 for Arkansas Monday afternoon. Although it's usually prone to overdoing supercells lol View attachment 129055View attachment 129056
This makes sense with the h5 and sfc lows moving out of the rockies into the central plains. I do wonder if we get a little bit of weak forcing off the gulf to maybe get a more mcs type mode vs the supercells on the fv3
This makes sense with the h5 and sfc lows moving out of the rockies into the central plains. I do wonder if we get a little bit of weak forcing off the gulf to maybe get a more mcs type mode vs the supercells on the fv3
For us, Carolina’s could catch a little heat with the reinforcing energy swinging on the base of of the trough. But it wouldn’t likely be supercells but probably something linear given more uni flow later on
Here's my issue,

This is a weather forum 1st and foremost I would hope. whenever there's possibility of bad weather here typically Georgia-west. It's always fun and most the board members west of that divide enjoy talking and posting stuff amateur or not sure always differing opinions because weather is not a easy thing to forecast. But there's always a clique of sarcastic annoying posters east of Georgia that come in and are either sarcastic butts or spam informative posts from people that live in my state or adjacent states ; analysis from amateurs or just people that love weather like me. and make it a fall in line or thou be criticized and spammed or some stupid crap and they don't even post anything informative or to help anything. Y'all know the clique. We are all adults don't understand why everyone can't just act it and get along or have healthy discourse on weather. It's always been a issue since I've been on the board and I imagine it drives away newbies / amateurs who just like weather and want to post. Almost like a frat house mob east of that divide. Keep doing what y'all do not asking for change or anything but more so a outlook from myself , but eventually the people that come that love weather will get aggravated and either not post or leave.

So that's my qualm.
In a weather forum it’s best not to spam false pretenses and misinformation especially when you’re dealing with a “tornado outbreak” potential. I remember seeing posts about the past severe event and how it would turn into a tornado outbreak. It didn’t. As you get closer in time things become clearer. When you are dealing with messy storm systems you tend to not get big time tornado outbreaks. It’s good to convey the severe weather potential but it’s not good to hype a longer range “tornado outbreak” when in reality it ends up being a straight line wind and isolated tornado set up. Tornados are hard for the atmosphere to create a ton of things have to go right for them to form especially on a widespread scale that constitutes an outbreak. Even in set ups that are seen as slam dunks sometime fail due to the smallest reasons. Weather is fun to track and a fun hobby for some but it’s irresponsible to hype for a week that a tornado outbreak is coming when nothing of the sort ends up verifying. Especially on a board where people go to get somewhat accurate information on the weather and insight they may not get anywhere else.
For us, Carolina’s could catch a little heat with the reinforcing energy swinging on the base of of the trough. But it wouldn’t likely be supercells but probably something linear given more uni flow later on
That seems to really be the key feature for most of us on the board. That initial system off the rockies is the typical dynamics rocketing away from the region with a weakening qlcs moving through.
Think the point I was making didn't come across.. ?

I'll try again in a year.. when the same issues pop up once again ?.

Let me do some damage control and change my location. If we are worried of people taking people saying forecasts or tornado outbreaks on here how bout put a banner saying "NOT OFFICIAL FORECASTS". So then all criticism and spam from the mob will cease to exist
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