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May be?

The 00z EURO was at least a step in the right direction.
I noticed that we lost most of the EPS members showing 30s around here with the 0z run. Highs near 70 and lows near 45 are fine with me, when we start dabbling with lows in the mid 30s in May that starts getting into the ag/economic impact territory.
I am really pulling for the wedge to lose tomorrow and hang/get pushed north of 40. Going to be 20-30 degrees different from one side to the other. When it comes to this weekend will be interesting to watch the models over the next 72 hours to see if they start to back off on the magnitude of the cold and depth of the troughing like we often see in winter.
I hope so but my hopes aren’t high at all. Wedge will back off but it will be too late for it to warmup when it does as it will likely be near sunset. At least thats what history shows. When there is a wedge bank on it overpowering .
Can't believe we're talking about frost/freeze potential in May. Usually we're moving towards summer temps/humidity.
From RAH:
The main headline of the late week weather story continues to be the much
cooler than normal temperatures, with afternoon highs expected to
struggle to reach 70 degrees Sat/Sun. Model forecast guidance,
especially the ECMWF, continues to hint at 1000 - 850mb thickness
values dipping to near 1300m by Sunday morning. Based on past local
research, this will favor temperatures generally in the lower 30s
under good radiational cooling conditions at KGSO. Even cheating up
a few degrees based on climatology/seasonality, this would put quite
a large portion of central NC in a Frost/soft Freeze type threat pre-
dawn Sunday. If KRDU were to hit the freezing point (which is
unlikely at this point) this would tie the latest freeze in its
period of record.
12z GFS spit out 31 here on Sunday. MBY will hit 29 if that verifies. Wow
Well, we caved and turned the A/C on today. I should've known because I was really feeling it warmth wise when I was trying to nap. Boy I still feel hot as well and I have to go walk soon.

Gonna need it for tomorrow too, maybe 2 days if we just leave it, then might not for a while.
While this cool spell the next few days in nice, you can’t run from the heat forever. The heat will always make its appearance known. Anyone who enjoys the cooler weather better enjoy it while they can. The real heat is not far away.View attachment 40964
Looking at the island of 70s in Tennessee leads me to believe it's advertising stormy conditions in that area... Rain cooled air