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May be?

Both NAMs showing somewhat wicked parameters on Tuesday, one thing that stands out is they both support absolutely humongous hail on the north side of the boundary with large MUcape advection aloft, then south of the boundary, parameters increase to a tornado/huge hail/wind risk as things get more surface based, NAM is probably over doing it, but the hrrrv4 showed something similar, questionable thing is Convective coverage, but geez if you like hail this setup may be it 90196035-6968-47E3-B6F9-62B26F5B2EAC.png8B210A9E-E177-40D7-82F2-EAD1E5C7D481.png380F3E12-B51A-4C98-8A64-04E4DF338345.png
Worth noting you got all the ingredients for large hail in these soundings, very steep mid level lapse rates (7.5-8C+), large cape in the HGZ, off the deck inflow between 40-50kts, some dry air aloft, and over 50kts of 0-6km shearE1282BEA-BB5A-4F8C-9B5E-E40C587908E3.jpeg
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Miserable May.
I am really pulling for the wedge to lose tomorrow and hang/get pushed north of 40. Going to be 20-30 degrees different from one side to the other. When it comes to this weekend will be interesting to watch the models over the next 72 hours to see if they start to back off on the magnitude of the cold and depth of the troughing like we often see in winter.
I am really pulling for the wedge to lose tomorrow and hang/get pushed north of 40. Going to be 20-30 degrees different from one side to the other. When it comes to this weekend will be interesting to watch the models over the next 72 hours to see if they start to back off on the magnitude of the cold and depth of the troughing like we often see in winter.

The 00z EURO was at least a step in the right direction.