This is based off the KCAE airport area. These are not snow totals, just precipitation as a whole using 24 hour accumulation maps.
I am using Tropical Tidbits, as I have no raw data access to the majority of these models. I wanted to use the same method, the only difference is I will be using Weatherbell to get amounts from the Euro to update this post in a little while. Ranges like 0.20 - 0.30 are large differences, but I'm trying to be fair here due to larger gridding of the globals, which in turn won't resolve the miniscule details as well.
I will be updating this post with the GEFS/ECMWF/EPS later on and reposting it.
In summary, so far without Euro data:
The HRRR, 3KM NAM, and CMC are the lightest.
The GFS followed by ICON & FV3 & RGEM are heaviest.
The mean of all the models, so far using the higher tiers of totals noted below comes out to:
0.143 inches of precipitation.
KCAE Precipitation Accumulation:
12z ICON: 0.15 - 0.20
12z GFS: 0.20 - 0.30
12z FV3: 0.15 - 0.20 (has heavier amounts, but shifted to the West versus the GFS's location)
12z CMC: 0.05 or so (heavier precipiotation towards the South)
12z RGEM: 0.15 - 0.20 (the higher end is a tiny blip in Richland county and it has heavier axis South of the GFS and FV3 in the Augusta area)
12z NAM 3KM: 0.01 - 0.05 (random areas of 0.10+ to the South)
12z NAM 12KM: 0.05-0.10 (heavier just to the South with a large area of 0.20 or so)
12z HRRR: 0.05, maybe a tad more. (heavier precipitation to the North and South)