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Tropical Major Hurricane Irma (Part 1)

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Maybe east of Texas given the air it has here, coolest in months, that usually ends our season(it'd also be unusually early to be that cool)

But who knows I'm surprised the Euro was even that far south
Well crap
A weaker system is more likely to stay south longer correct?

Typically this is the case because
A weaker system is more likely to stay south longer correct?

In a nutshell yes, because the stronger system has a deeper rossby penetration depth (defined here by the height at which the circulation of the TC is very evident in the column, stronger TCs w/ larger circulations & generally taller/more persistent convection = deeper rossby penetration depth). This means that a stronger TC is also steered by a deeper layer of the troposphere and given that the winds become increasingly westerly with height as a tropical cyclone ventures away from the tropics this often implies faster recurvature for stronger storms. In addition, a stronger storm is liable to gain latitude for another reason: beta drift, which refers to a tropical cyclones' tendency to move in the absence of any steering! Beta drift/the beta effect usually accounts for about 10% of a tropical cyclone's motion and is estimated to add ~2-5 m/s to its translational speed and would be the net movement a TC would undergo if there was no net steering influence from a trough or ridge. Coriolis deflection increases w/ increasing latitude from the equator, as does the planetary vorticity (planetary vorticity is just the spin imparted on phenomena simply from earth's rotation). Effectively what occurs especially as a tropical cyclone becomes fairly intense, is that the differential in planetary vorticity advection across the storm increases and this leads to a net NW motion as a pair of beta gyres (w/ opposing signs) forms on opposite ends of the storm in the northern hemisphere this happens in the NW & SE quadrants. To understand how this works (as shown in the diagram below) and how we get an anticyclonic beta gyre and vis versa in the SE quadrant, we have to know that for example on the east side of the cyclone in the northern hemisphere, as air blows northward it gains planetary vorticity, as the impact of earth's spin becomes greater closer to the pole and thus, going back to the statement of the conservation of absolute vorticity (where absolute vorticity is the sum of planetary + relative vorticity) relative vorticity must decrease if planetary vorticity increases, thereby forming and an anticyclonic beta gyre in the NW quadrant of the storm. On the other hand, as northerly flow occurs on the western side of the hurricane, air moving southward loses planetary vorticity (f becomes smaller), thus in order to conserve absolute vorticity again, relative vorticity has to increase, thereby forming a cyclonic gyre. The net flow between these two beta gyres in the northern hemisphere is to the northwest and this flow which essentially accounts for the beta effect becomes more prominent for stronger hurricanes because their circulations are larger and stronger and thus there's a larger gradient in planetary vorticity (f) across them!
There are certainly other ways to understand the impact of the beta effect on tropical cyclone track but I think this way is much easier to digest but it still can be difficult (as it was for me) the first few times I learned/read about it.

This diagram below shows what I was talking about above, notice the pair of opposing beta gyres orientated from SW-NE across the tropical cyclone's circulation and that the flow between them is to the northwest. This essentially means that in the absence of any steering flow, a tropical cyclone in the northern hemisphere will tend to move to the northwest, with stronger/larger tropical cyclones having a greater tendency to do so vs smaller/weaker TCs.

Hope this helps!

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Yeah I'm not sure how much I trust this recent Euro run in the longer term, it can't properly initialize Irma's intensity at all which definitely has an impact on its eventual track.
A ring of very deep convection has wrapped most of the way around Irma's circulation and a nascent eye is starting to become apparent, wouldnt be shocked if an eye popped out as early as tonight at the rate we're going...

At any rate, no doubt the EPS shifted south again this run, getting closer to the Greater Antilles...
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I notice that the Euro continues with the idea of the ULL in the long range and now the GFS as well, in fact I guess that's what allowed Irma's track get further west on the 06z GFS and basically rough house the OBX
Looks like 2 main clusters, roughly! The FL keys /west of FL or recurve to just miss the Carolinas coastline

Yeah and the southeast coastline atm is still sitting somewhere in the middle of the clustering. For the sake of Texas and Louisiana let's hope Irma does not go over the Greater Antilles because if it does, the chances of a landfall there would go up dramatically...
Typically this is the case because

In a nutshell yes, because the stronger system has a deeper rossby penetration depth (defined here by the height at which the circulation of the TC is very evident in the column, stronger TCs w/ larger circulations & generally taller/more persistent convection = deeper rossby penetration depth). This means that a stronger TC is also steered by a deeper layer of the troposphere and given that the winds become increasingly westerly with height as a tropical cyclone ventures away from the tropics this often implies faster recurvature for stronger storms. In addition, a stronger storm is liable to gain latitude for another reason: beta drift, which refers to a tropical cyclones' tendency to move in the absence of any steering! Beta drift/the beta effect usually accounts for about 10% of a tropical cyclone's motion and is estimated to add ~2-5 m/s to its translational speed and would be the net movement a TC would undergo if there was no net steering influence from a trough or ridge. Coriolis deflection increases w/ increasing latitude from the equator, as does the planetary vorticity (planetary vorticity is just the spin imparted on phenomena simply from earth's rotation). Effectively what occurs especially as a tropical cyclone becomes fairly intense, is that the differential in planetary vorticity advection across the storm increases and this leads to a net NW motion as a pair of beta gyres (w/ opposing signs) forms on opposite ends of the storm in the northern hemisphere this happens in the NW & SE quadrants. To understand how this works (as shown in the diagram below) and how we get an anticyclonic beta gyre and vis versa in the SE quadrant, we have to know that for example on the east side of the cyclone in the northern hemisphere, as air blows northward it gains planetary vorticity, as the impact of earth's spin becomes greater closer to the pole and thus, going back to the statement of the conservation of absolute vorticity (where absolute vorticity is the sum of planetary + relative vorticity) relative vorticity must decrease if planetary vorticity increases, thereby forming and an anticyclonic beta gyre in the NW quadrant of the storm. On the other hand, as northerly flow occurs on the western side of the hurricane, air moving southward loses planetary vorticity (f becomes smaller), thus in order to conserve absolute vorticity again, relative vorticity has to increase, thereby forming a cyclonic gyre. The net flow between these two beta gyres in the northern hemisphere is to the northwest and this flow which essentially accounts for the beta effect becomes more prominent for stronger hurricanes because their circulations are larger and stronger and thus there's a larger gradient in planetary vorticity (f) across them!
There are certainly other ways to understand the impact of the beta effect on tropical cyclone track but I think this way is much easier to digest but it still can be difficult (as it was for me) the first few times I learned/read about it.

This diagram below shows what I was talking about above, notice the pair of opposing beta gyres orientated from SW-NE across the tropical cyclone's circulation and that the flow between them is to the northwest. This essentially means that in the absence of any steering flow, a tropical cyclone in the northern hemisphere will tend to move to the northwest, with stronger/larger tropical cyclones having a greater tendency to do so vs smaller/weaker TCs.

Hope this helps!

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Yeah and the southeast coastline atm is still sitting somewhere in the middle of the clustering. For the sake of Texas and Louisiana let's hope Irma does not go over the Greater Antilles because if it does, the chances of a landfall there would go up dramatically...
Does that include Ms/Al to?
Well, looks like we have anywhere from this going into the Gulf to hitting NC to going out to sea. Hope it curves out to sea, but seems it's leaning towards hitting somewhere, and I am afraid it's going to be the East coast.

Selfishly, I hope it misses the OBX. That's my favorite place to visit in NC.
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Early on Euro is much stronger and further south with the Atlantic ridge which not only results in it's more southern track (within 5 days) but is also faster then other modeling, by the weekend we should really start to have an idea if this is going to be a threat to the Islands or not which in turn will give us a better idea of potential US threat
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