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Tropical Major Hurricane Harvey

Get out the dartboard

Harvey is currently not moving, which gives it more time to get it act together. Looking good on the satellite, theres word from another board that pressure is falling one of the buoys 103 miles nne from where they think the center is. Someone correct me if im wrong
Harvey is currently not moving, which gives it more time to get it act together. Looking good on the satellite, theres word from another board that pressure is falling one of the buoys 103 miles nne from where they think the center is. Someone correct me if im wrong
No, you are right. At 2 the NHC had Harvey as stationary, and the convection overhead is really starting to heat up. If it can keep the convention is the better question as it has a history of dissipating convection overnight. but then again, it has an actual rotation now, so it should be able to keep it up.
Many EPS members suggest Harvey becomes a hurricane after emerging back into the gulf as it heads towards Louisiana

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Nam, last few frames stalls on Texas coast line. Makes me think only to merge back in the gulf like the Euro/ Esp is showing. LA needs to keep an eye on this very closely.
Nam, last few frames stalls on Texas coast line. Makes me think only to merge back in the gulf like the Euro/ Esp is showing. LA needs to keep an eye on this very closely.
One thing to affect intensity is how compact a core does Harvey form. Some tropical systems are large in area, but the wind field is very compact.