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Tropical Major Hurricane Harvey

Inner core getting organized once again, microwave imagery showing nice eye

Would love to see a loop of that. Are you getting it from Central Florida Hurricane?
Here's the "best" I'm finding
The longer this takes to get it's core completely organized, the more concerned I get.

One hurricane I keep comparing this to in mind, did the same thing....
URNT15 KNHC 250132
AF307 1509A HARVEY HDOB 25 20170825
012300 2506N 09438W 6966 02932 9772 +142 //// 039043 045 076 011 01
012330 2507N 09439W 6973 02943 9798 +139 +139 039055 061 078 027 03
012400 2508N 09440W 6962 02975 9840 +134 +134 046073 077 068 039 00
012430 2510N 09441W 6948 03013 9859 +125 +125 043064 073 067 015 00
012500 2511N 09443W 6967 03003 9877 +122 +122 046061 063 065 014 00
012530 2512N 09444W 6962 03016 9891 +123 +123 056066 067 060 016 03
012600 2513N 09445W 6967 03025 9913 +121 +121 057065 068 060 017 00
012630 2515N 09447W 6963 03039 9924 +121 +121 063065 067 052 017 00
012700 2516N 09448W 6962 03054 9936 +118 +118 058059 067 054 010 00
012730 2517N 09449W 6964 03053 9948 +115 +115 059057 059 048 017 00
012800 2519N 09451W 6965 03057 9957 +115 +115 059055 057 047 018 03
012830 2520N 09452W 6961 03069 9964 +111 +111 061052 054 049 011 00
012900 2521N 09454W 6967 03070 9971 +110 +110 061052 052 049 009 03
012930 2523N 09455W 6961 03079 9974 +109 +109 055048 052 048 010 00
013000 2524N 09456W 6964 03079 9973 +110 +110 055048 050 041 010 00
013030 2525N 09458W 6958 03087 9972 +107 //// 061047 049 042 007 01
013100 2527N 09459W 6967 03082 9969 +101 //// 063045 050 040 005 05
013130 2528N 09501W 6963 03091 9984 +099 //// 066047 048 040 003 01
013200 2529N 09502W 6966 03087 9991 +106 +106 062048 049 044 014 00
013230 2531N 09503W 6949 03108 9996 +110 +110 054045 050 050 030 03
URNT15 KNHC 250142
AF307 1509A HARVEY HDOB 26 20170825
013300 2532N 09505W 6976 03073 9990 +121 +121 053052 058 055 046 00
013330 2533N 09506W 6978 03075 9990 +121 +121 053045 055 056 046 00
013400 2535N 09507W 6967 03088 0005 +113 +113 057061 072 053 043 00
013430 2536N 09509W 6977 03083 0013 +109 +109 061061 073 048 039 00
013500 2537N 09510W 6963 03103 0028 +104 +104 052045 054 044 023 00
013530 2539N 09512W 6960 03109 0029 +102 +102 047041 043 044 017 00
013600 2540N 09513W 6968 03105 0032 +101 +101 046037 039 044 008 00
013630 2541N 09514W 6962 03117 0032 +099 +099 049039 040 042 007 00
013700 2543N 09516W 6964 03115 0035 +099 +099 046039 041 041 009 00
013730 2544N 09517W 6963 03119 0035 +097 +097 042035 040 041 009 00
013800 2545N 09518W 6963 03119 0037 +090 //// 043034 035 044 007 01
013830 2546N 09520W 6963 03123 0018 +094 //// 042037 038 042 004 05
013900 2548N 09521W 6963 03125 0007 +093 //// 041037 038 043 002 01
013930 2549N 09522W 6963 03123 0004 +092 //// 046037 037 042 003 01
014000 2550N 09524W 6963 03129 0013 +092 //// 048038 038 042 003 01
014030 2551N 09525W 6962 03130 //// +088 //// 050038 038 043 002 01
014100 2553N 09526W 6963 03130 0031 +087 //// 048038 039 042 004 01
014130 2554N 09528W 6964 03129 //// +090 //// 046039 040 041 003 01
014200 2555N 09529W 6962 03135 //// +091 //// 046040 041 040 004 01
014230 2557N 09530W 6963 03133 0018 +093 +093 042040 041 040 004 00
Looking at the satellite loop, I think Harvey underwent an ERC, but I am not too certain. Was developing an eye, then stopped and closed up. Look at the IR satellite, and you will see the northern eyewall open up briefly. Now, it seems to be closing again as convection wraps around. More moisture is being fed into Harvey by this blob too. Pressure is dropping, as hurricane hunters have found, and the winds are stronger in the NE quadrant than in the last pass of the eye, so maybe we can expect this to loop around with the stronger convection and begin the RI again.
URNT15 KNHC 250152
AF307 1509A HARVEY HDOB 27 20170825
014300 2558N 09532W 6965 03131 0030 +088 //// 040039 041 037 005 01
014330 2559N 09533W 6961 03138 //// +089 //// 048036 039 037 002 01
014400 2600N 09534W 6963 03136 0023 +094 +090 050035 036 038 002 01
014430 2602N 09536W 6964 03137 0020 +095 +089 046035 035 037 002 00
014500 2603N 09537W 6965 03137 0023 +095 +082 042036 036 037 001 03
014530 2604N 09538W 6963 03138 0020 +100 +075 042036 036 034 001 00
014600 2605N 09540W 6964 03138 0021 +098 +071 043034 035 034 001 03
014630 2607N 09541W 6963 03138 0020 +101 +069 045034 034 034 001 03
014700 2608N 09542W 6965 03138 0022 +100 +071 043034 034 034 002 00
014730 2609N 09544W 6965 03138 0021 +100 +075 042032 034 034 000 00
014800 2610N 09545W 6962 03142 0015 +106 +072 040031 032 034 000 00
014830 2612N 09546W 6964 03140 0019 +102 +074 041031 031 034 001 00
014900 2613N 09548W 6962 03145 0020 +101 +079 040030 031 035 001 00
014930 2614N 09549W 6962 03142 0023 +100 +079 040030 031 035 002 00
015000 2616N 09551W 6963 03141 0028 +096 +080 041030 030 033 001 00
015030 2617N 09552W 6962 03144 0026 +098 +077 043030 031 031 000 03
015100 2618N 09553W 6962 03143 0026 +099 +074 045031 032 028 001 03
015130 2619N 09555W 6967 03145 0029 +102 +069 042028 031 029 001 03
015200 2618N 09557W 6961 03156 0034 +100 +063 041026 026 /// /// 03
015230 2617N 09556W 6966 03141 0029 +100 +064 036024 026 022 002 03
Looking at the satellite loop, I think Harvey underwent an ERC, but I am not too certain. Was developing an eye, then stopped and closed up. Look at the IR satellite, and you will see the northern eyewall open up briefly. Now, it seems to be closing again as convection wraps around. More moisture is being fed into Harvey by this blob too. Pressure is dropping, as hurricane hunters have found, and the winds are stronger in the NE quadrant than in the last pass of the eye, so maybe we can expect this to loop around with the stronger convection and begin the RI again.
For the sake of those folks in Texas, it would be fine if this simply turned itself into a late August thunderstorm (we've had our fun watching and postulating; now it's population to consider), but FS, I fear you are right about possible RI ... :confused:
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