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Pattern July '22

No, we were only hoping it would not be below average in spring which is cold and unpleasant. It ruins the only time of the year that is pleasant for outdoor activity. Also, not once was it hot or humid this spring. Spring warmup are at best , outside of May, mostly June like at very hottest. Would you rather 70/50 or 55/30 in spring... and if its warmer than normal its more like 85/58 with low dews and pleasant still.
This isn’t moving me at all. This theory works if we actually got a true fall and spring in the south which we haven’t for a long time. Fall and spring is 2-3 weeks max now. So with that being said … give me 55/30 through late April and May because hell on earth is coming by late May and lasts all through September and has even lasted into October before.
This isn’t moving me at all. This theory works if we actually got a true fall and spring in the south which we haven’t for a long time. Fall and spring is 2-3 weeks max now. So with that being said … give me 55/30 through late April and May because hell on earth is coming by late May and lasts all through September and has even lasted into October before.
So you would rather it be mostly uncomfortable and cool for outdoor activity then have it immediately be followed by what you say is inevitable hell on earth? I dont know man if its comfort you seek what you just described is anything but comfortable with virtually no season of 70s. I thought we had a decent spring, some late frost/freeze threats relative to normal but a pretty decent spring. April still averaged low 70s here and I bet over in Spartanburg as well. Pretty good if you ask me and definitely not uncomfortable. I think you just prefer it even colder than 70s and want winter. Id really look into moving to northern New England, its in the 20s-70s there in spring and even colder before you go to 70s for 3 months before back to 50s then back to 5-6 months of frozen lakes/rivers and snow.
Widespread relief last 72 hours, most of this really fell in the last 12. Much of Eastern NC picked up 3 inches or more, with some pushing 5,6, even 7 inches. Eastern Wake sitting at 3-6 inches last 3 days. Still some drier areas further west in the piedmont but the eastern third of the state looks good! Wow. One more day of this please! GL to those who have not been flooded yet the last 2 days. Today is yours!

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Lol I don't think I could fail any more prefect this week if I tried. Watching how today doesn't work out is going to be fun
Well on the brightside if you score today it could be big, 2-4 inch type totals potentially if not more. That would make up for the loss.
Well on the brightside if you score today it could be big, 2-4 inch type totals potentially if not more. That would make up for the loss.
I'll go ahead and tell you that's not happening. I'll get something between .02-.33 and sit here listening to thunder reading about how much rain everyone else is getting again
Another record maximum low tied this morning at DFW of 84°F (last set in 2011).
No, we were only hoping it would not be below average in spring which is cold and unpleasant. It ruins the only time of the year that is pleasant for outdoor activity. Also, not once was it hot or humid this spring. Spring warmup are at best , outside of May, mostly June like at very hottest. Would you rather 70/50 or 55/30 in spring... and if its warmer than normal its more like 85/58 with low dews and pleasant still.
You and I are on different plains; I disagree with almost all that. Some of the heat lovers were specifically wanting swimming weather through the Spring, so that is not just "hoping it would not be below average."

"It ruins the only time of year that is pleasant for outdoor activity." :eek: I literally could not disagree more. For me, Fall is a FAR superior time to be outdoors; lower humidity, falling temps (instead of rising), bugs leaving instead of coming, Fall colors, less allergies, etc. And most of our winter is great time for outdoor activity as well. Aside from the 30s and rain days, or the handful of days it actually feels like a real winter, our normal 45-60 is a perfect time for outdoor activities, hiking, working etc.

"Would you rather 70/50 or 55/30 in Spring?" There is a place for both in Spring and both can be very nice, but I absolutely despise the above average "swimming weather" in Spring, we get enough of that May through Sept.

"85/58 with low dews and pleasant still." That's all in personal opinion but 85 is way to hot for me for Spring. Keep it as cool as possible as long as possible. We get enough heat around here.
Juicy AFD from MHX this morning, sitting at 2.54” for month to date, seems like the heavier stuff has missed either north, south, east or west. Think I cash in today.

Widespread relief last 72 hours, most of this really fell in the last 12. Much of Eastern NC picked up 3 inches or more, with some pushing 5,6, even 7 inches. Eastern Wake sitting at 3-6 inches last 3 days. Still some drier areas further west in the piedmont but the eastern third of the state looks good! Wow. One more day of this please! GL to those who have not been flooded yet the last 2 days. Today is yours!

View attachment 119832
This WILL relieve drought 10 fold!
Man I'm really hoping for some rain today. I've only gotten around two tenths of an inch over the last week. Most other locations (especially to the south) got a lot more. 12z 3K NAM (48 hr QPF) looks promising, but also has some pockets of disappointment:

Grid forecast for my area states 1.25" to 1.75" late today and tonight. Honestly (the way things have been going) I would consider a half inch a win. For anything more, I guess I'll believe it when I see it.
With the rainfall this morning I’m now at a 6 day streak of consecutive rainfall events. I would say how much I’ve had at this point in the month, but I don’t want to make anyone upset. Lol
Can't help but feel like you are talking about me. Go ahead and post it I'll never be mad at you guys just ma nature