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Pattern Jarring January

Oh Canada
For here in SE GA and nearby far S SC, there has been no period even remotely as promising for rare significant wintry precip POTENTIAL as the next week since 12/1989 and 1/1977. This next week has the makings of a once in several decade wintry period and it may not even be all from just one system. There is still the threat of at least a small amount of ZR between tomorrow afternoon and Fri AM. And then there is a threat of just about anything including a very rare accumulating snow chance for near or just after New Year's. Even Phil is not at all out of the game for next week! How often can that be said?

By the way, weak MJO left side of circle ftw as regards a cold SE!
Larry - wasn’t the Feb 2010 snow a major event for the low country?
Larry - wasn’t the Feb 2010 snow a major event for the low country?

I need to clarify. Indeed, Feb 2010 was quite the major event as Stormsfury noted for the low country areas further N and NE of here. But note that I was referring to SE GA and nearby far S SC (say SAV metro), where it was wasn't at all a major event. The last major event for these areas was 12/1989. As Stormsfury noted, KSAV got 0.9" of SN. But even that was at the airport, which is 8-10 miles NW of the main city areas. Most of the city, itself, got hardly more than a dusting.
If anyone has any doubts about the ridiculously strong severe cold bias of the CMC over or near snowcover, hopefully this run will convince you.
I need to clarify. Indeed, Feb 2010 was quite the major event as Stormsfury noted for the low country areas further N and NE of here. But note that I was referring to SE GA and nearby far S SC (say SAV metro), where it was wasn't at all a major event. The last major event for these areas was 12/1989. As Stormsfury noted, KSAV got 0.9" of SN. But even that was at the airport, which is 8-10 miles NW of the main city areas. Most of the city, itself, got hardly more than a dusting.
Thanks Larry. We vacation on Fripp Island near Beaufort every year and I remember it being a big event down that way. Didn’t realize the cutoff was so sharp on the other side of the river!