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Pattern Jarring January

Every 25 years or so, more or less ...

Pretty much. When I go back to the 1700s for my area at least, there has usually been something quite noteworthy only about every few decades. The wait may be very long, but patience can be rewarded bigtime as the very long waits make the extremely rare events as sweet as can be. Are we about to experience that very rare magic? Stay tuned!
Lol @ the weeklies! These damn models can't even get a storm right 3-4 days out! Also, TWC is honking on a SE snow for Sun/Mon, so that should just about wrap this storm up! I swear in 10 minutes of watching, New Years snow in the south , has been mentioned like 6 times! :(
Pretty much. When I go back to the 1700s for my area at least, there has usually been something quite noteworthy only about every few decades. The wait may be very long, but patience can be rewarded bigtime as the very long waits make the extremely rare events as sweet as can be. Are we about to experience that very rare magic? Stay tuned!

Very possible for you with the depth of the cold currently depicted. People in the deep deep south may score more than those in the normally favored areas like NW NC for this particular winter season. If the MJO can avoid thr areas and stay at a low amplitude in 8,1,2 then it is likely the mild winters normal in a La Nina may be avoided for a large part of it
Look how the eps has trended towards the gfs over the last three cycles. Starting with 00z Tuesday ending with last nights. Much taller ridge out west and a sharper trough

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Too bad the energy is strung out choo poo and not consolidated

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We need a sharper trough and for the energy to consolidate

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