It's a tough call (as always)...I think the strength / amplitude of the wave plays a role. The 06 GFS and Euro Control are pretty strong with the wave as it runs down thru Wyoming / Nebraska. Higher amplitude wave is going to move a little slower which gives it time and room to bottom out and turn the corner in the SE. You can see that here on the 06z GEFS spaghetti chart where over the SE, the white line is the operational run and the green lines are each of the ensemble members. The operational run is on both the slower side and more amplified side (checkout the white line running thru Maryland on the eastern flank of the wave)Still thinking a blend of of the ensembles until the features get sampled is the best course.of action. Hard to believe that Amping on the gfs when each run shows a stronger tpv
The western / west-central NC / N GA crowd is going to like this more amplified look, while those farther south and east are going to want to see a nice amplifying wave, but with it sliding more west to east as it bottoms out instead of running more SW to NE.