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Wintry Jan 15-16 Winter Storm Discussion & Obs

Yeah that was a killer run of the Euro Control. It's doing exactly what we'd want to see in terms of wave evolution.....then it's just a matter of the exact track (latitude).

Even with this initial wave you can see it digging further to the SW and the trough digging further south in the short range. That’s the trend so far with these systems and it looks like we’re trending that way with this system as well. This has the makings to be a really big board hit if we keep these trends going.
Iiterally everything we want to go right at H5 on the nam Is occurring, TPV, future 50/50, energy. let’s go !! View attachment 103508
How good is the NAM with features this far out. I know we generally don’t expect a lot of reliability from its surface maps until 48-60 hours out, but I think I’ve heard that it is good looking at H5 at the end of its run