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Wintry Jan 15-16 Winter Storm Discussion & Obs

When does everyone think the NWS will update the temps for this weekend? It looks regardless to how the snow plays out it will be colder than advertised currently.
Typically GSP, Columbia, and Raleigh will stick close to climo in situation like this until timing and other details become clearer. I would think that if by Wednesday models are still showing the storm and clouds moving in by Saturday, you’ll see GSP lower Saturday highs to the low 40s and then Sunday down into the 30s for our area. They seldom ever put sun-freezing highs until within 36-48 hours before the event
Ever conservative KILM says..

The GFS and the ECMWF have been bouncing back and forth around
developing a wintery mix or cold rain. The GFS is the more bullish
with the wintery mix scenario, and the ECMWF has pulled back with
the winter mix to the north of the area. At this time, the
confidence for a winter mix is still low. So will hold off for now
introducing wintery mix.