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Wintry Jan 15-16 Winter Storm Discussion & Obs


This through end of storm?
Saw this MA thread, while nosing around.

Didn’t high risk post earlier this week that the GFS OP and ensembles are basically run off two different parameters? GFS OP was upgraded but GEFS wasn’t?
Fairly certain the GFS ENS were upgraded 1-2 years ago

I always look at clown maps with skepticism about it being really just snow. I just checked 0Z UK 850s and sure enough it suggests a good 7” or so of accum of mostly snow near ATL especially just NE of there with some sleet as opposed to this really being ZR because they are colder than 0C most of the precip with warming only to just above 0C near the end of the heaviest.
Oh ok. I think that was the upgrade to increase the vertical levels. No sure if they applied that to the ens or not.
I always look at clown maps with skepticism about it being really just snow. I just checked 0Z UK 850s and sure enough it suggests a good 7” or so of accum of mostly snow near ATL especially just NE of there with some sleet as opposed to this really being ZR because they are colder than 0C most of the precip with warming only to just above 0C near the end of the heaviest.
no doubt....temps are close to being big time event over NGA
But the GFS was upgraded last March.

Oh ok. I think that was the upgrade to increase the vertical levels. No sure if they applied that to the ens or not.
According to Wikipedia (not a given they're right, but is more often than not), maybe you're both right?

On June 12, 2019, after several years of testing, NOAA upgraded the GFS with a new dynamical core, the GFDL Finite-Volume Cubed-Sphere Dynamical Core (FV3), which uses the finite volume method instead of the spectral method used by earlier versions of the GFS.

With the initial operational implementation of FV3GFS now accomplished, NOAA's Environmental Modeling Center (EMC) global modeling focus has turned towards development of the next GFS (v16) upgrade, which will include doubled vertical resolution (64 to 127 layers), more advanced physics, data assimilation system upgrades, and coupling to a NCEP's Global Wave Model using the Unified Forecast System (UFS) community model. GFSv16 was implemented on March 22, 2021.