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Wintry Jan 15-16 Winter Storm Discussion & Obs

View attachment 104519
Mean increased. 850's were a little better. But the system was definitely more amped.
For people on the West side of GA if this is the track that it's gonna take your going to have to walk a fine line of hoping for a amped system with more precipitation on the backside for snow from ULL without freezing half the SE with Icy or Rain
Kinda an amateur question but does the NWS still issue Ice Storm Warnings or is it all lumped into the WSW category?
I think I recall Freezing Rain Advisories were done away with in favor of WWAs, but Ice Storm Warnings are still in use. In most ice storms, we mix with other stuff, too, though, so it seems like we usually just get WSWed.
Slight as it may be I'll take any improvement where I can get it lol
