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Wintry Jan 15-16 Winter Storm Discussion & Obs

Temps on ICON need to be ignored correct? If I remember it likes to take a torch to everything.
Can we agree that because certain model runs are being discussed it doesn't necessarily mean anyone believes it to be the final outcome. We've been told to not believe the LR this or don't put faith in that, now we're hugging this one or that one.... for the love of all that is good, this is a weather forum with a legit wintry threat. We can and we will discuss any and all model runs and analyze each run as much as we like. That's why we are here and I nor anyone else needs 50 post to tell us what model run we shouldn't be looking at.

Thank you, I'll step down off the soap box now...... carry on
Look at the CAD strength difference here.. much stronger and instead of the low pressure cutting right into the wall of cold dense air it scurries along the perimeter allowing that CAD to stay solidly in place ..View attachment 104384View attachment 104383
And (I'm surprised somebody hasn't mentioned this -- you people are dropping the ball), the ICON has a warm bias.
Not to be that guy with this ICON run but while the placement was better, the CAD was better, the slp was also stronger so it's trending stronger..... hope that doesn't mean it eventually trends more NW. Guess we will see
You simply cannot believe an ICON run that...oh wait...never mind! It's actually encouraging that it slid so far south. Great winter storm look, as was said. But if it does wind up, it will be hard to keep it way offshore.
Something I would also watch for.. usually with Miller Bs we end up with some sort of deform band behind the system or an upper low on the backside moves over and usually the short range models pick up in this better but most of the time things changeover to snow and there’s some isolated convective stuff behind the system .. that will be interesting to look at as we get into short range model range