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Pattern Freezing Ferocious February

You buying the easterlies fading out? Does this potentially mean nina won’t have as much influence on pattern into February?

It takes several weeks for the atmosphere to respond to large-scale changes in the ocean attributable to WWBs and the oceanic kelvin waves generated from them. We'll definitely begin to feel the impacts as we get deep into March & April especially if this downwelling kelvin wave is strong enough to completely shut-off the upwelling in the EP. It couldn't happen at a much better time in the seasonal cycle, the MJO's envelope of WWBs in its wake are most axisymmetric wrt the equator at this time of the year in/around February-March and the bjerknes feedback and zonal SST gradients are weakest, which makes the Eq Pacific most susceptible and/or receptive to high frequency variability.
This is why I got bent out of shape when some were buying into this ridge extending from the NE Pacific to Europe and torching the entire US, that probably wasn't going to verify and even if it did, it wouldn't last long. Definitely entertaining to watch the SE US ridge evaporate on the EPS as we approach the medium range, another one is already biting the dust at 192 hr.
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This view seems to indicate a true PV split may be coming as we head towards mid month. Interesting

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I feel like he's been chasing a true split for years .....

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image.png Y'alls hero! Glad the NE is gonna do ok!
I really want to go all in for the next 2-3 weeks.

I really want to go all in....in 2 weeks, for about 2-3 weeks. Mid February looks pretty sweet if we can get the GEFS to verify and the EPS to get its act together.
This view seems to indicate a true PV split may be coming as we head towards mid month. Interesting

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I feel like he's been chasing a true split for years .....

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Judah must have read my post. :rolleyes::D
The western ridge is nice, but the vortex seems to be too wound up to allow shots of very cold air to drop into the SE over the medium range, especially since there's no blocking in and around Greenland/eastern Canada. This says to me that the interior parts of the upper would be favored over the next couple of weeks over the lower or coastal sections. These may be marginal events. But at least we're not torching, and we will have things to track. And it may be just cold enough. Have to wait and see.
The western ridge is nice, but the vortex seems to be too wound up to allow shots of very cold air to drop into the SE over the medium range, especially since there's no blocking in and around Greenland/eastern Canada. This says to me that the interior parts of the upper would be favored over the next couple of weeks over the lower or coastal sections. These may be marginal events. But at least we're not torching, and we will have things to track. And it may be just cold enough. Have to wait and see.
Looks like some rain cold to me, I mean cold rain
Yep, wouldn't bet the farm on what either model is currently showing, probably be a blend between the 2. I would expect the North to stay cold for the most part but the colds shots into the Southeast will be tempered with warmer periods especially the further South you get.
The western ridge is nice, but the vortex seems to be too wound up to allow shots of very cold air to drop into the SE over the medium range, especially since there's no blocking in and around Greenland/eastern Canada. This says to me that the interior parts of the upper would be favored over the next couple of weeks over the lower or coastal sections. These may be marginal events. But at least we're not torching, and we will have things to track. And it may be just cold enough. Have to wait and see.
Guess more than just the SE ridge can screw us up. If GFS starts backing off the cold, it would be a disaster
12z GFS backs the trough too far west for the SE to score next week. BOO!!! Let's see what happens on the ensembles and future runs...