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Wintry February 6th-7th

This isn’t even cold air chasing moisture though, this is just no cold air at all.

The air outside reminds me of the mountains in Colorado where it could be in the high 40s low 50s and you think there is no way its going to snow later that day, but the humidity is 35%. The moisture moves in and the temp bottoms out. We won't see anything that drastic here, but I certainly anticipate areas higher than 1000-1500' elevation to see some type of mixing when the heavy returns finally arrive.
HRRR shows 3-4 hours of sleet above 1100', then solid snow above 1800' in Georgia. It has the rain/snow line where it always is in South Carolina along the I-85 corridor at the 850' elevation cut off.

Got some heavier returns starting to move in from the SW within the next hr or two.

EDIT: Also the radar is slowly but surely starting to fill in around the ATL metro area. We've been in this radar donut hole for hours. ?
Im not sure it will get that high but it might. We went from 25 to 35 pretty quick.
I was 42 for the first batch of sleet, and I'm 45 for this one at 2:15. Hope you and Greg see something good. I'm figuring this is just some sleet before the column gets good and wet. Maybe north will have some staying power. Good luck! T