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Pattern Fabulous February

Very interesting to say the least.
I'm curious to see what the proposed mechanisms are from this paper when it gets published.
View attachment 14870

Looks like the MJO has been the defining driver of our weather this winter. Maybe that’s me stating the obvious though as the MJO seems to be an indicator of planetary scale weather patterns.
What’s funny to me is that this tweet would indicate the opposite of what people on this forum have been saying. The “cold” phases that have been so lacking this winter finally arrive, and yet the timing would cause our friend the SE ridge to stay. MJO keeps finding new ways to screw us this winter.

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Looks like the MJO has been the defining driver of our weather this winter. Maybe that’s me stating the obvious though as the MJO seems to be an indicator of planetary scale weather patterns.
What’s funny to me is that this tweet would indicate the opposite of what people on this forum have been saying. The “cold” phases that have been so lacking this winter finally arrive, and yet the timing would cause our friend the SE ridge to stay. MJO keeps finding new ways to screw us this winter.

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Well it's not the MJO per say what this tweet really says is that the MJO or the SSW alone would favor cold, so the assumption from many is that the combination of the two together must = more cold when reality is actually the opposite!
Well it's not the MJO per say what this tweet really says is that the MJO or the SSW alone would favor cold, so the assumption from many is that the combination of the two together must = more cold when reality is actually the opposite!

Basically in layman’s term, this winter will likely continue to suck
I know it's the 84 hour Nam, BUT.....

We have a nice strong 1053 mb High in Colorado, helping to funnel in an Arctic attack out west. A strong winter storm, probably named Emushi, has plagued the upper Midwest into southeastern Canada with a variety of weathery conditions, ranging from wind-blown flurries to strong snow with mix. Rain to the south in the warm sector is notable over the Northeast, along with breezy fog and warmer than normal air. Farther south, along the cold frontal system, some boundary showers are possible, giving way to a mix of higher and lower clouds and/or sunny conditions with a few wisps farther east into the southeast, where bird activity looks to be moderately above normal. It also appears to be warm and dry, compliments of a heat ridge lurking off of the southeast coast, nosing into the shore. The Gulf waters continue and Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead. Thank you.


I know it's the 84 hour Nam, BUT.....

We have a nice strong 1053 mb High in Colorado, helping to funnel in an Arctic attack out west. A strong winter storm, probably named Emushi, has plagued the upper Midwest into southeastern Canada with a variety of weathery conditions, ranging from wind-blown flurries to strong snow with mix. Rain to the south in the warm sector is notable over the Northeast, along with breezy fog and warmer than normal air. Farther south, along the cold frontal system, some boundary showers are possible, giving way to a mix of higher and lower clouds and/or sunny conditions with a few wisps farther east into the southeast, where bird activity looks to be moderately above normal. It also appears to be warm and dry, compliments of a heat ridge lurking off of the southeast coast, nosing into the shore. The Gulf waters continue and Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead. Thank you.

View attachment 14878

View attachment 14879

This setup once the front moves past then leaves a cold/dry airmass is actually good for some IN-situ CAD front end icing, maybe something similar to the very light glaze we had in western nc a few weeks ago, 11-12th looks interesting for that altho this would not likely be a big deal
Yeah it was an interesting little system, I'm glad it didn't come inland as we don't really need the rain right now.

Agree, first time The ground has been truly dry since last July, and yeah system was interesting/weird, little piece of energy helped the LP to temporarily form and get some cyclogenesis going
The bleaklies' weeks 3-6:

3: SER departing; near normal/warmer than prior run
4: slightly colder than normal/about same as prior run
5: near normal/about same as prior run
6. Slightly warmer than normal /warmer than prior run

Much weaker -AO/-NAO vs last run
The bleaklies' weeks 3-6:

3: SER departing; near normal/warmer than prior run
4: slightly colder than normal/about same as prior run
5: near normal/about same as prior run
6. Slightly warmer than normal /warmer than prior run

Much weaker -AO/-NAO vs last run
Given how bad they have been maybe this is a good thing

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The bleaklies' weeks 3-6:

3: SER departing; near normal/warmer than prior run
4: slightly colder than normal/about same as prior run
5: near normal/about same as prior run
6. Slightly warmer than normal /warmer than prior run

Much weaker -AO/-NAO vs last run
kick ass, Larry ... now to sign into anonymity ... :rolleyes: