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Tropical Eta

It ends up only a couple hundred miles south of the gfs at day 10 which for that far out is nothing lol the gfs is about to hit the Panhandle here

Wow, wake up everyone! it is awfully quiet in here considering we have a rapidly strengthening TS headed for very high heat content waters and low shear along with a very complicated atmospheric setup making it very hard to predict! I'd at least expect to hear from the hurricane weenies!
Wow, wake up everyone! it is awfully quiet in here considering we have a rapidly strengthening TS headed for very high heat content waters and low shear along with a very complicated atmospheric setup making it very hard to predict! I'd at least expect to hear from the hurricane weenies!
Im literally so tired of TCs, I’d rather have a wintertime southeast ridge then talk about another TC
URNT15 KWBC 011955
NOAA2 0129A ETA HDOB 28 20201101
194600 1447N 07840W 8423 01453 9926 +213 +189 100004 007 030 000 03
194630 1448N 07842W 8424 01452 9927 +212 +189 044012 018 023 001 00
194700 1449N 07843W 8417 01465 9930 +217 +189 041029 034 034 001 00
194730 1450N 07845W 8421 01468 9935 +225 +189 045040 042 042 000 00
194800 1451N 07847W 8418 01480 9955 +209 +193 044045 046 051 005 00
194830 1452N 07849W 8430 01482 9972 +200 +200 045045 047 050 013 00
194900 1453N 07850W 8433 01482 9976 +201 //// 040049 050 057 017 05
194930 1454N 07852W 8421 01499 9987 +199 +195 040049 050 055 006 00
195000 1455N 07854W 8431 01498 9986 +212 +192 040045 046 055 002 00
195030 1456N 07856W 8425 01506 9986 +216 +178 042044 044 055 001 00
195100 1457N 07857W 8423 01510 9993 +211 +181 048047 048 054 006 00
195130 1458N 07859W 8415 01529 0006 +198 +188 051046 048 054 014 00
195200 1459N 07901W 8417 01523 0016 +189 +188 050045 048 050 010 00
195230 1500N 07903W 8430 01520 0017 +194 +189 047049 050 052 006 00
195300 1501N 07904W 8414 01540 0021 +192 +185 046049 051 052 004 03
195330 1503N 07905W 8428 01528 0028 +192 +178 048047 047 043 002 00
195400 1505N 07906W 8421 01534 0030 +192 +176 048046 047 045 001 00
195430 1506N 07906W 8420 01535 0030 +192 +170 052042 043 042 000 00
195500 1508N 07907W 8418 01539 0033 +194 +167 055043 044 041 001 00
195530 1510N 07908W 8422 01538 0033 +196 +161 056043 044 043 000 00
Big pressure drop to 992 mb and winds up to 55 kts SFMR.
Wow, wake up everyone! it is awfully quiet in here considering we have a rapidly strengthening TS headed for very high heat content waters and low shear along with a very complicated atmospheric setup making it very hard to predict! I'd at least expect to hear from the hurricane weenies!
Also this has the potential to hit the US.
Wow, wake up everyone! it is awfully quiet in here considering we have a rapidly strengthening TS headed for very high heat content waters and low shear along with a very complicated atmospheric setup making it very hard to predict! I'd at least expect to hear from the hurricane weenies!

Eta has taken on that look and a nice round CDO and could be ready for some hefty stremgthening.
Looks like the storm is about to bomb out a little.....now being forecast to be a major at landfall....what if anything Eta has in store for the US is still to be determined......whatever is left is going to go north at some point....
This is almost definitely going to be the deadliest storm of the season giving where it’s hitting and flooding potential. Could be really bad...
The euro goes inland over Central America and then bombs it out south of Cuba by the end of the run as it moves towards the Gulf

Yes I believe that says 930 mb this would be a crazy run in September...

ecmwf_z500_mslp_watl_11 (1).png
A closer look at the Euro this could possibly be a Cat 5 taken verbatim this would also be the strongest November hurricane on record

The good news is the Euro has been horrible this year


The EPS has many members threatening Florida or the southeast by the end of the run
