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Pattern Dazzling December

if you have wild mood swings purely based on how models are handling the nuances of a super -NAO, i recommend engaging in some self care! take a walk; go to the grocery store and buy a treat; engage in your favorite non-weather hobby!
Panthers Football is my favorite non weather hobby ?
Strangely uniform temps across the south next week
Gfs about to show something
That 1040 HP riding in tandem top of the LP is a thing of beauty, but I'll be honest, don't think the south trend is done with that one. Blocking ftw and crazy day/nights ahead
That 1040 HP riding in tandem top of the LP is a thing of beauty, but I'll be honest, don't think the south trend is done with that one. Blocking ftw and crazy day/nights ahead
1040 HP in SE Canada and sliding east like that? you can bet your bottom dollar there would be more cold air and suppression.
Not ideal with that ridge placement through the middle of the country which doesn’t give our wave enough time to dig. Workable and still early. Tablesetter?82FD911D-5453-4C10-9604-6414BC0C49AB.pngC21DF43C-F7C5-4F26-AF0B-F0C2A4D86060.png
I know that storm is getting range with some agreement and beginning to get a few honks out here from the click-baiters but just can't glom on until maybe under 144hrs. BL temps too if I'm correct
I know that storm is getting range with some agreement and beginning to get a few honks out here from the click-baiters but just can't glom on until maybe under 144hrs. BL temps too if I'm correct
Yeah it's a marginal setup for sure but could be a nice little teaser for some before the real -NAO show starts later on