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Coronavirus (Stay on Topic)

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How do the hospitals look? Full or is there capacity?
I’m not sure about the hospital status, not quite sure what that has to do with testing, everything we’ve heard is get people tested if your showing symptoms. If test is positive they can at least quarantine at home instead of being out in public.
Are you really saying America, as in our country can't come back from this? Ok I've been mainly a reader of this thread and have appreciated the information here. But all of us are on a weather board. On average we are probably more intelligent than our neighbors, so let's act like it. We are the ones that don't act out of fear, we warn others to help them be informed. We know when things are coming before they happen and that earns you respect, and then people look to you. So let's lead by example. Keep our emotions in check and make thoughtful posts and decisions. Be leaders.
Sure some will come back but many will not. Some are already losing their jobs and companies. Some will lose their homes. Do you really believe there will not be more poverty and homelessness after this? You really believe the govt is going to just give enough money to everyone to be ok? Companies will suffer and cut employees and some will not hire back. I am using my head. I realize money does not grow on a tree. This is real life and almost half Americans live paycheck to paycheck. Homelessness was already growing. You can live in utopia and think nothing will change but it will. I am positive we will survive but the landscape of America will be much different than before this virus. Just like it changed after 9/11. The middle class has been holding on for years. This could be the thing that erases the middle class and you have the ones the have and have nots. To think that’s not a possibility is having blinders on.

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Sure some will come back but many will not. Some are already losing their jobs and companies. Some will lose their homes. Do you really believe there will not be more poverty and homelessness after this? You really believe the govt is going to just give enough money to everyone to be ok? Companies will suffer and cut employees and some will not hire back. I am using my head. I realize money does not grow on a tree. This is real life and almost half Americans live paycheck to paycheck. Homelessness was already growing. You can live in utopia and think nothing will change but it will. I am positive we will survive but the landscape of America will be much different than before this virus. Just like it changed after 9/11. The middle class has been holding on for years. This could be the thing that erases the middle class and you have the ones the have and have nots. To think that’s not a possibility is having blinders on.

49% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. That’s awful. I’ve been there and understand it but man that’s a hard way to live as a adult and even worse if you have a family.

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49% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. That’s awful. I’ve been there and understand it but man that’s a hard way to live as a adult and even worse if you have a family.

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I’m not trying to cause panic as Thor suggested. I’m using my head. These are hard facts all of us will face. Everyone will be touched by this. So Thor remember that when driving down road to closed businesses and homelessness everywhere and poverty. I pray I’m wrong but just read about the depression and how long it took to come back from that.
I’m not trying to cause panic as Thor suggested. I’m using my head. These are hard facts all of us will face. Everyone will be touched by this. So Thor remember that when driving down road to closed businesses and homelessness everywhere and poverty. I pray I’m wrong but just read about the depression and how long it took to come back from that.

We are not headed towards a depression. I can almost guarantee that. It will be hard but it won’t be devastating to the point of a depression.

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Can’t we use statistical analysis to sample the population using a relative small number of tests to get an accurate baseline on the presence of infection? Why hasn’t this been done before shutting everything down?
Risk management. Time is of the essence.
Sure some will come back but many will not. Some are already losing their jobs and companies. Some will lose their homes. Do you really believe there will not be more poverty and homelessness after this? You really believe the govt is going to just give enough money to everyone to be ok? Companies will suffer and cut employees and some will not hire back. I am using my head. I realize money does not grow on a tree. This is real life and almost half Americans live paycheck to paycheck. Homelessness was already growing. You can live in utopia and think nothing will change but it will. I am positive we will survive but the landscape of America will be much different than before this virus. Just like it changed after 9/11. The middle class has been holding on for years. This could be the thing that erases the middle class and you have the ones the have and have nots. To think that’s not a possibility is having blinders on.
If this country could find a way to save the world in WWII while we were coming out of a depression I'm pretty sure we will rebound from this. After pearl harbor FDR ask for 50000 planes, it seemed impossible at the time. By 1944 we were making 100k a year.
I am a long term food service substitute. Had a job posting that was gonna last until at least the entire school year. With a chance at a permanent position. Now my services are not needed during the shutdown meaning I do not get a paycheck. Thankfully I have EBT to keep food stocked. But I really do hope $1000 for every adult is indeed true to help make up for the paychecks I will not be receiving. Making it on my wife’s check along for a family of 5 is not going to be easy.

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We are not headed towards a depression. I can almost guarantee that. It will be hard but it won’t be devastating to the point of a depression.

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How would you define depression?
Can’t we use statistical analysis to sample the population using a relative small number of tests to get an accurate baseline on the presence of infection? Why hasn’t this been done before shutting everything down?

I’m not trying to cause panic as Thor suggested. I’m using my head. These are hard facts all of us will face. Everyone will be touched by this. So Thor remember that when driving down road to closed businesses and homelessness everywhere and poverty. I pray I’m wrong but just read about the depression and how long it took to come back from that.
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