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Coronavirus (Stay on Topic)

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No reason to close the beach. If you can’t follow directions then that’s your own damn fault. Just keep your distance from others and everyone will be fine. If your gonna not do that then I don’t have sympathy for being dumb.
People don't follow recommended directions because they don't have any common sense. Keeping beaches open increases the chances of the virus spreading. It doesn't matter if it spreads among just 'dumb' people. Those dumb people might know smart or innocent people that would get infected all because of this beach order.
People don't follow recommended directions because they don't have any common sense. Keeping beaches open increases the chances of the virus spreading. It doesn't matter if it spreads among just 'dumb' people. Those dumb people might know smart or innocent people that would get infected all because of this beach order.
If we can't trust people to use common sense, then we just can't help ourselves. Those "dumb" people are not going to be leaving us anytime soon, so I don't see it changing much. Closing the beach isn't going to change anything in the grand scheme of things. People are going to do whatever they want. Unless the set up police everywhere and make sure nobody leaves there house this isn't going to end. I went to target today and the driving range, and both were absolutely packed. People are not going to stay home regardless, so whats the point of all this?
If we can't trust people to use common sense, then we just can't help ourselves. Those "dumb" people are not going to be leaving us anytime soon, so I don't see it changing much. Closing the beach isn't going to change anything in the grand scheme of things. People are going to do whatever they want. Unless the set up police everywhere and make sure nobody leaves there house this isn't going to end. I went to target today and the driving range, and both were absolutely packed. People are not going to stay home regardless, so whats the point of all this?
Target and the driving range are private businesses though. These beaches are public property, and in many cases the local government had already made decisions to close them. Controlling access to those in the name of public safety makes sense, and sets a good example. Even if you consider it going overboard in an abundance of caution, isn't that better than not doing enough?

Hopefully wrong but I'm afraid it is probably correct.

Finally, on April 2, Mr. Lee acknowledged epidemiological reality and issued a stay-at-home order. The rest of the red-state governors will also capitulate to reality before this is all over. But the time for decisive action has long since passed, and their delays, like the president’s, will end up costing thousands of lives.

I know people are trying to do their best to make the death tolls rise in the South, but it's getting harder to make that a reality. They just can't give credit that southerners are doing a pretty good job.

Hopefully wrong but I'm afraid it is probably correct.
Damn block party going on down the street; called the cops since they have lots of kids there - mostly under 6 years; cops were sympathetic on the phone; they never came ... despite violating local and State SIP orders
Target and the driving range are private businesses though. These beaches are public property, and in many cases the local government had already made decisions to close them. Controlling access to those in the name of public safety makes sense, and sets a good example. Even if you consider it going overboard in an abundance of caution, isn't that better than not doing enough?

South Korea had its first report on infection at the same time we did. They have less than 300 deaths. So yes, I agree. I'd rather have South Korea statistics, over Italy or Spain. We have far surpassed that. at this juncture. So, we failed, but I really hope others can learn from our mistakes.(And yes, we made mistakes as a country.) Not blaming any political party, btw.
Target and the driving range are private businesses though. These beaches are public property, and in many cases the local government had already made decisions to close them. Controlling access to those in the name of public safety makes sense, and sets a good example. Even if you consider it going overboard in an abundance of caution, isn't that better than not doing enough?
I agree that it sets a good precedent. But if people are still not going to follow the rules and socially interact anyways, then what’s it matter?
I agree that it sets a good precedent. But if people are still not going to follow the rules and socially interact anyways, then what’s it matter?
I see your point, but how far do you take that? What about traffic laws? Some people don't follow those, and speed and drive recklessly anyways. If some people aren't going to follow those laws, then what's the point of having them anyway?
We have been reactive in this front the beginning. All the tools we had to prevent these have been scaled back. This was a disastrous response to this.

Perfect response. Wouldnt have mattered cause they wouldnt have let anyone in to help or if they where inside china they would have muzzled,kicked out. Another nice try Shaggy.
Perfect response. Wouldnt have mattered cause they wouldnt have let anyone in to help or if they where inside china they would have muzzled,kicked out. Another nice try Shaggy.

Maybe so but then again we will never know.

As far as numbers go we are adding more and more cases every day by the 10s of thousands. We better hope the number needing hospitalization comes down or we are going to see a crushing blow to the hotspots HC system.
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