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Tropical 2024 Tropical Thread Reboot

We shouldn't be focused so much on the MDR right now. A homegrown storm will probably form next month after some of these fronts get further south and stall. We pretty much have 60 days.
And those can be very dangerous too. You do not need the Cape Verde storms to have a rough season. If I remember right 2005 had only a very few storms form out there, but we all know how that season turned out with Katrina and Rita along many others.
And those can be very dangerous too. You do not need the Cape Verde storms to have a rough season. If I remember right 2005 had only a very few storms form out there, but we all know how that season turned out with Katrina and Rita along many others.
True but 2005 did have strong waves that made it across the ATL that developed later like katrina and rita. 2024 has no such waves.
The 6Z Euro-AIFS has a TC that originates from a TCG in the vicinity of the Leeward Islands ~Sept 2nd. This makes it the 21st run in a row with a TCG near the Leewards ~9/2. This goes all of the way back to the 6Z 8/19 run! You can still see all of these runs on Tropical Tidbits.
12z ICON sits off the coast of Texas for 4 days, developing. 8/30 thru 9/1. GFS and Euro-AI also have the low off the Texas but no development yet and different timing.
ICON moving one across the MDR looks to be the same one Euro-AI has been developing the past 3 days although faster.. CMC following along also.

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Another tropical storm over Africa that will come off at 20N and poof a woof. Not to pat myself on the back for being awesome but i was the first to say this was the reason the season was a bust. Long before any Pro has. That area of low pressure north of the CV islands is a wave killer. It has been there since mid july.

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So, the tropics look like they may get active again in just over a week. If so, that would mean the quiet period would end up being under 2 weeks long. Not long at all unfortunately.
4 runs now, ICON still likes a developing low spinning off Texas....8/31 to 9/1.
GFS now has a low moving into AL on 9/3.
EURO AI has the cane on east coast, moving thru the islands on 9/3 as a low. CMC and ICON are following.
GFS has a wave following the same path with low over SC, further west than EURO .

3 opportunities on the board for a week's time.
Nothing on the euro, not even a weak low at peak season. However, if you look real hard there is a big high over the NW ATL and a hint of a low forming to its south off FLA. If this cant develop at peak season in a forecasted hyper-active season then its hard to imagine sept/oct even being avg.
Couldnt be a better set up for inclose development

In the good news dept LC holds the line 18/10/6

Many of you may have been lulled into thinking that the 2024 hurricane season was over. A rude surprise awaits, however, since the Saharan Air Layer is diminishing, the hemispheric conjoined heat ridge complex is starting to break apart, the ITCZ in Africa is flaring big time, and the polar westerlies are starting to inject cyclonic energy and greater amounts of cooler (not cold) values into lower latitudes. The La Nina episode is likely to top off at just above the moderate designation (-1.0 deg C below normal in ENSO sector 3.4), while the Gulf of Mexico and much of the open Atlantic Ocean is very warm (at least 79 deg F with only minor areas of upwelling. This is not, and never was meant to be, a "Super La Nina with record hurricanes". One-parameter forecasting has no place in a business where fear can cause those living in the subtropical zones and affected coastlines to lose confidence in weather prediction at critical times. I will hold to my original 18 named storms, 10 hurricanes, and 6 major cyclones seasonal call.