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Misc 2019 Banter & Friendly Conservation

The negative energy in the January thread, even with a promising op run is really pathetic to tell you the truth.

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Yeah I don’t understand it. I’ve only lived in the south since 2006 so my first winter here was in 2007. I was definitely one to freak out easily the first 5-6 years when I didn’t see snow by early January. But by years 8-9 I completely understood that most winters I wasn’t seeing accumulating snow until mid and most likely late January. It sucks but I’ve come to know it’s reality so I don’t get to excited unless something shows up on the models within 5 days. I’m sure most everyone has lived in the south longer then me so I don’t understand why it seems to get worse each year with the freaking out starting in late November. The cold temps that are coming are during our prime climo for snow and basically anytime from this Sunday until early March a storm could pop within the 5 day period on the models. I have only seen 4 January’s that produced accumulating snows out of 12 So that’s like 33% if I did my math right. That means that almost 70% of my winters did not produce accumulating snows until February or later. There’s no reason to panic for the first 2-3 months of winter every year when you weren’t really supposed to get snow anyways. I’ll say it again in that expectations are way to high from some considering we live in the south.

Edit: I should have clarified that by accumulating I meant an inch or more of snow. Plenty of dustings in January of .50 - .75 inches over the years but not many with big snows.
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I've never seen Joe bastardi this pumped up about his winter forecast after his Twitter post of the 18z GFS post yesterday... So who should I trust James spann or Joe bastardi?
I've never seen Joe bastardi this pumped up about his winter forecast after his Twitter post of the 18z GFS post yesterday... So who should I trust James spann or Joe bastardi?

Like most of the battles between the gfs and euro go for a combination middle ground of the two.
Honestly something has been on the models on January 26th for the last few runs of the GFS, now that the cat is out of the bag, I kinda think the energy for that period will change to something completely different at 0z.

Hope not, hopefully it stays! I'd love a flashback type storm.
This is the next step in weather modeling in my opinion. Hopefully it can gain some traction, Panasonic dumped it.


"Additionally, the system provides fully-integrated data communications for the aircraft’s ACARS (aircraft communications addressing and reporting system) and operational weather modeling needs. "
The same ones #SNOMG’ing over operational runs in the main thread are the same ones that get mad when everyone freaks out when it shows heat and rain. Funny how that works out