Brick Tamland
Love how people make claims saying based on the models when the models show more than they are claiming will happen.
Love how people make claims saying based on the models when the models show more than they are claiming will happen.
Clowns make them?Brick you know why they are called clown maps?
Much better than the real world.Brick is living in fantasy land lol.
Brick still think he’s a lock for 6-14”? I hope he’s got family in Roxboro
Wow Glenn burns got a new brain! He's actually talking sense saying we won't know until the day of.
Yeah hes from Florida so winter weather isnt exactly his expertise.I'm still taken aback that he actually said live on air that he expects N.GA to have a brutally cold winter (the worst he expects in January). Since when has he ever paid any attention to winter weather or the winter season overall?! Now severe weather on the other hand, there's not one severe weather event (long or short range) that shows up on the models that he doesn't leap out of his pants to make love to. lol
When you say something like that, it may be apropos to add a qualifier or two ...Yeah hes from Florida so winter weather isnt exactly his expertise
As crazy as this may seem, power plant induced snow actually was observed today in eastern Nebraska according to local NWS.
This is a first for me lol. Sharon Harris needs to get with the program!
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I thought more folks around my way would be more excited about this opportunity instead of worrying about what could go wrong. We know Wake is always on the line. We know things can go wrong. But life still goes on. I think folks should just be happy to have a shot at seeing some snow around here the first week of December. That is very rare. And if the models are right, it could end up being a big storm. Maybe this is the one that makes up for the Dec 2000 bust. It is exciting to me to see what will happen. If it doesn't end up working out, oh well. On to the next one.
As crazy as this may seem, power plant induced snow actually was observed today in eastern Nebraska according to local NWS.
This is a first for me lol. Sharon Harris needs to get with the program!
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As crazy as this may seem, power plant induced snow actually was observed today in eastern Nebraska according to local NWS.
This is a first for me lol. Sharon Harris needs to get with the program!
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View attachment 8324
As crazy as this may seem, power plant induced snow actually was observed today in eastern Nebraska according to local NWS.
This is a first for me lol. Sharon Harris needs to get with the program!
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It’ll still be running , when the Euro comes out!FV3 will redeem hope in about 30 min. never fails
Thank you Shawn...I just pushed an emergency upgrade to the database due to connection errors.