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Wintry 1/26-1/28 Winter Storm Potential

I actually very, very happy with this depiction, minus the lack of an antecedent arctic air mass being in place. ALL we need here to get somebody some snow is for there to be a digging northern stream wave that can interact with the system before it pulls away. That is simply noise at this range.
An Arctic high to the north feeding into it. That’s lacking here. On the 0Z, there was a 1032 Arctic high feeding cold air, which allowed it to be cold enough for big AL snow.

Exhibit A: see followup 12Z Euro Gulf low, which has a cold high to work with
I actually very, very happy with this depiction, minus the lack of an antecedent arctic air mass being in place. ALL we need here to get somebody some snow is for there to be a digging northern stream wave that can interact with the system before it pulls away. That is simply noise at this range.

Yeah, no doubt still a really good look.


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Fire up the thread! Wouldn’t a solution where 850’s and colder surface temps are pulled south (even if it’s still rain for most) bode well down the road and setup for our next fantasy chase at day 8?
Oh lawd, the look on the Euro with that later system would actually for sure be good as a deeper south system since that one doesn't cut off. I've said the last of the month has legs too based off what I've seen of late after the 26th-28th on the models I can see but I'm not going to be excited about that one for a while because of how much the models have been bouncing around here.
I know a few of us have talked about it already in here, this system for this weekend is either going to be a grand slam or we are going to strike out as it goes to our south. I don’t think there’s going to be any middle ground. The eps will be interesting
Too much energy in the flow for models to get even the basics right after 5 days. So all we really know is there is going to a window of opportunity for winter weather somewhere in the south the last week of January.
I know a few of us have talked about it already in here, this system for this weekend is either going to be a grand slam or we are going to strike out as it goes to our south. I don’t think there’s going to be any middle ground. The eps will be interesting

I really don't think there's going to be an in between with this one. In more layman terms, either we're going to get:

1. An earlier phase and the western SE gets dumped on.
2. A later phase and some areas of the deeper south and eastern areas of SC/NC gets a good hit.
3. No phase at all and the system just cuts off, leading to mostly a swing and a miss on precip period.
I know a few of us have talked about it already in here, this system for this weekend is either going to be a grand slam or we are going to strike out as it goes to our south. I don’t think there’s going to be any middle ground. The eps will be interesting

This is what we can compare it to . No way it’s close to the 00z run

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The changes in the modeling today isn't we wanted to see. It's interesting that the GEFS members were showing anything from a whiff to some all out bombs that cut through the mountains. Anytime I see spread like this on the ensembles it tells me there are a lot of variables and to expect plenty of shifts in the coming days. It seems to me the best snow runs for the NC/SC area were when we had some good phasing, this run of the FV3 was just 12 hours ago. By 00z tonight we could again be looking at a much different solution.