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Wintry 1/26-1/28 Winter Storm Potential

I also want to say that we KNOW the GFS, and its products *usually* have a progressive northern stream bias. Does that mean its wrong? NO, but I think I want the GFS right there for the time being. Now, if the EURO And EPS go nuts and start **continually** not just a run here or there** start squashing or suppressing this run, then I still am feeling confident. I am ALL IN on this system, so if I go down in flames, well that sucks....but I honestly feel pretty good about our chances with this.

If you are wrong we take your met tag and everyone else gets one but you :cool:


Basically anything is still on the table. We can’t really get interested until we start scraping off some of the solutions.
At 120, the EC is very similar to yesterday's 12Z run for the same time, except the wave in question is a bit stronger on today's run.
Hr 144 on the Euro looking good for western deep south. 850 line just north of Baton Rouge and a 1007 LP in the central GOM. Still close for MBY but I'm liking how the Euro is holding up its trend.
Well def further south this run...for sure...I am ok with that for now, for sure. Either way, looks a bit warmer at H85, but thats prob due to not much QPF over the SE? any precipitation maps?