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Wintry 1/20 - 1/23 Winter Storm

Now technically this has no bearing on how this system will progress but one thing I’ve seen after following these storms for years is the day 4-7 time frame is when the wheels falls off and everything that could possibly go wrong, goes wrong before the storm eventually comes back and we score. That technically means nothing as every storm is different but we are right in smacked in that timeframe so I’m not really worried right now.
We’re immobilized from our slight little event with the arctic front .. while the beast is building in the gulf View attachment 107580

Comparing this 0Z NAM hour 84 to the 18Z GFS hour 90 for the 2nd wave:

1. It is much colder on the NW Gulf coast at 2M and at 850, but it is a little bit warmer in the SE.
2. The isobars suggest the surface low that would form just after this would probably be pretty far south in the W GOM.
Just looks like that artic front is pretty wet with a small disturbance ridding it. That's the so-called 1st wave?
I guess, but I’m honestly having problems following all the waves. The GFs actually has some winter weather along the actual front, similar to the NAM, but the NAM is slightly later. Too much energy running around. Gives me pause that any of the models know what the heck is going to happen.
RDPS looks nice so far.
Not much change in GFS thru hour 48 except northern energy is being held back a little more, continuing the earlier trend. May see an improvement overall.
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