We are used to boom/bust set ups around here and this one is no exception. Right now the trend is definitely towards more separation of the streams allowing a suppression of the system and sending many of us to go find ledges. We may well just be looking at a suppressed system with more of a coastal influence. Yet crazily, it would not take much for this to be a much bigger and widespread system. Last night's trends showed a bit more interaction b/w the 2 streams, specifically due to a better press by the northern stream. It would not take very much for that to actually happen. Remember, a relatively small variable change often has significant down stream effects. We don't know how this will end up, but I think there are still lots of possibilities out there, even some for the more western areas. FWIW, I think the Triangle is in a great spot to see the best potential in the Carolinas, as you already have a good setup, but also room for error. Stay tuned, we could still see a lot of waffling or trends coming down the wire; when do we not?