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Wintry Jan 15-16 Winter Storm Discussion & Obs

Nice thoughts on the NAM from ILMRoss on American.
I thought the most consequential thing that the NAM with the "new data" showed was a wholesale shift of our shortwave 50 miles to the east as early as 36 hours into the run. I like using the NAM as an appetizer model for a lot of reasons and one is that I think it can tip the hand of the rest of the models on what the trend de jour of the suite is going to be. I think we're cooking with propane if more models show this shift east with our energy.

I will say, one thing i don't use the regular NAM for is precipitation depiction. I've always thought it has looked a bit 'off' with its precipitation depiction, dry areas where I'd expect more precip, etc. I think it's fun to look at but I don't hang my hat on it- I lean on the 3km a lot more for that in my internal calculus.
Wow, is that a 3 contour closed ULL near Memphis at hour 84 on the NAM?

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This is the one you want to track as it determines the temp profiles. Course the surface is gonna get all the energy at somepoint, become primary. The time and location of the handoff is the million dollar question we are trying to answer. Then the rest can be set in stone: ptypes, transition lines, accums etc
Nice thoughts on the NAM from ILMRoss on American.
I’ve said this many times but the HRRR under 36/even the RAP has done a good job on winter storms the last 2 years, HRRR seemingly sees column crashing better, for ex that SC upstate snow last February that the nam dropped the ball on, but the HRRR showed snow with associated with column crashing/dynamic cooling
ICON SLP also down near the pan handle