Levees becoming issues per Weather Channel. Not in NO, but I have fears that somewhere the pumps will fail.
TWC just announced this. It's south of New Orleans.
Does anyone know exactly how much of a water rise would cause water to start topping over the levees?
Does anyone know exactly how much of a water rise would cause water to start topping over the levees?
I've been thinking about the MRGO dam as well as the 32-foot floodgate that keeps Lake Borne from flooding Lake Ponchatrain. Thank God they were built, otherwise, this storm could have been so much worse. But, I can't help thinking about what a disaster it would be should particularly the Lake Borne gates, suddenly fail while holding back a 15-30 foot surge.
TWC just said the same. And said it will push surge into Laplace, west of the lake, at the same time that Laplace is hit by the high winds.The scary fact is unless we see rapid weakening, that 120-135mph sustained wind will be realized over Lake Pontchartrain and drive a massive surge into the west of it.
So I thought they had built a floodwall there and locks at the Rigolets to prevent filling Ponchatrain from the sound prior to an incoming cane. No?Just for clarification, the Lake Borgne Surge Barrier has no bearing on levels in Lake Pontchartrain. There have been talks of an Oosterscheldekering-like structure to block surge coming into the estuary, but it's big money and has some pretty substantial ecological considerations to overcome.
So I thought they had built a floodwall there and locks at the Rigolets to prevent filling Ponchatrain from the sound prior to an incoming cane. No?
Thanks! I've been gone from home too long lol.The LBSB, despite it's large scale when standing beneath it, is somewhat small in the grand scheme of things. It is in red in the picture. It's job is to keep surge from entering the intracoastal/Industrial Canal and penetrating into the city core. There is no structure that limits flow between Pontchartrain and the Gulf/Lake Borgne.
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Some of the video I’m seeing easily rivals the worst of Michael.
Anyone think this may get updated to a cat 5 after all the damage assessments?
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That would be crazy if it gets upgraded after the fact like Michael but I think it's possible. The lack of weakening for hours is another clue I know it was swamp but still. That's not normal
I mean, dang…