This reminds me a lot of last years jan near miss coastal. I really hung my hat on the NW trend and got burned, may need to go back and read on how that played out. I'd hate to put all our eggs in one basket too but this could very well be our only legit chance in NC.
View attachment 30889
This in my opinion is the most important frame of the euro. Anything beyond 144hrs is really just noise. I'm always reminded of this when we track hurricanes. Where an LP ends up at 192hrs+ is anybodies guess.
View attachment 30890
At hour 168 the gulf gets squashed as the wave transfers.
For now the EPS (as seen below) supports a slightly weaker high.
View attachment 30891
How will this play out in future runs? Hopefully it'll allow for more help from the gulf, but I'm sure some other fly is waiting to jump into our ointment.