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Wintry Winters Last Stand / March 11th-13th Winter Storm

Yes, I just looked at the NAM/GFS/CMC on pivotal, to hell with it I am going to enjoy it even if we end up with meh.
6z GFS for the next 7 days
Love it. 3" or more over Chattanooga TN
Well if there are going to be "trends" one way or the other and head towards a general consensus the 12z runs about 48hrs out are generally when you start to see that so let's see what today brings.

If we see any significant trends and/or flip-flopping liable to occur sometime tomorrow when our disturbance is sampled by RAOBs
Cant happen soon enough
The "properly sampled " thing gets over used, IMO ! Nothing much changed on the Jan. event, on major models with regards to QPF and track, the NAM just came in and brought the 850's pain!
The "properly sampled " thing gets over used, IMO ! Nothing much changed on the Jan. event, on major models with regards to QPF and track, the NAM just came in and brought the 850's pain!
I disagree. After being sampled it made a huge difference. The wave dug more and more each run.
And the NAM is only out to 24, assuming your last statement was referencing the current run.
The "properly sampled " thing gets over used, IMO ! Nothing much changed on the Jan. event, on major models with regards to QPF and track, the NAM just came in and brought the 850's pain!

Yeah, once the disturbance came on shore of the Pacific NW in January, the models unanimously flipped to a much stronger s/w which had profound implications downstream including more QPF and a the stereotypical last sec NW shift. I'm sure some will recall how I pointed out on this forum that the initial sampling of the ULL that would spark this S/W over southern Alaska is what led to a rather abrupt change in the guidance to showing a storm in the first place. Sampling really does matter, especially when the satellite observations are fraught with errors that are an order of magnitude or so higher than radiosondes.
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The "properly sampled " thing gets over used, IMO ! Nothing much changed on the Jan. event, on major models with regards to QPF and track, the NAM just came in and brought the 850's pain!

Lol what ??? You don't remember the massive changes when that energy was sampled . It does matter

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I'm not afraid of QPF here. I imagine .5" is probably pretty doable. The amount of it that falls as snow is the concerning part. I will be very surprised if we don't see the thermals warm a bit as we move in.
I'm not afraid of QPF here. I imagine .5" is probably pretty doable. The amount of it that falls as snow is the concerning part. I will be very surprised if we don't see the thermals warm a bit as we move in.
If we get .5 of QPF I will send you a case of beer, soda, t-bone steak, whatever you want
I've been out of the loop at 500mb the last couple of days (surface map pro here!) - anyways.. is the weaker wave what the Euro has been alluding to?
From the maps in previous posts, the trajectory of the euro seems much different. Precip bullseye seems more SW-NE instead of the NETN blob and then transfer to central NC on the other models.
NAM is slower and a tad cooler thru 60 HR, moderate snow-snow/sleet actually breaking out in far northern MS, extreme northern AL here...