I'd be willing to guess inland NC at least gets one random freeze or near-freeze in April.
Yeah especially if the NAO is projected to go negative like it may do.
I'd be willing to guess inland NC at least gets one random freeze or near-freeze in April.
FIFYYeah especially if the NAO is projected to go to it's natural April - October phase like it may do.
yeah, it would be unusual if we didn’t. I think our average last freeze is in early April here. Then again, we’ve torched all winter, so who knows. As of now, RDU’s last freeze was March 8th.I'd be willing to guess inland NC at least gets one random freeze or near-freeze in April.
Maybe if you knew how to actually speak to people they'd listen.Maybe if you didn’t spout and like posts that promulgate complete nonsense you wouldn’t get those dislikes
Maybe if you knew how to actually speak to people they'd listen.
Maybe if you understood even an inkling of what you were talking about, had any legitimate foresight whatsoever, or better yet, opened your mind even just a wee bit to any other world view besides your own ultra conservative one, I probably wouldn't be so harsh towards you or others that have continuously downplayed this from the beginning. I'm really not an irritable person in general, I just don't stand for bull crap like what you've touted, especially in times of national crises. When you & so many others (especially conservatives) look back on this, you'll be completely embarrassed by the egregiously horrible takes you've liked/supported and statements you've made about the coronavirus the last several weeks, I still remember when this was just a big liberal media hoax & overhyped... Progressively, the paradigm is shifting away from this pov and many are forgetting where they've come and unfortunately, when the next disaster strikes, they will never learn from their mistakes. In so many ways, this is climate change denialism in a test tube/on fast forward.
Their, there, they're
Dallas under a shelter in place order
Historic times around here
Stay safe! I hear the virus is bigger in Texas. Is that true?
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Over 300 cases here at least
I'm actually in the next county over but it's probably only a matter of time
Also I'm essential working at a grocery store so yeah it's surreal but nothing will really change with me probably
Yea you guys have it hard right now. Good luck!
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At least I left NY at the right time it's insane up there
That's a shame because I was admiring my work of art tonight actually!
That's a shame because I was admiring my work of art tonight actually!
Yeah I passed the Itchy stage yesterday.. there's no going back nowRight. Mine just got past the itchy stage.
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Yeah I passed the Itchy stage yesterday.. there's no going back now
It would probably be too offensive to snowflakes.Maybe we can start a Beard thread and post manly things like spitting in bottles, fires and girls jumping on trampolines?
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It would probably be too offensive to snowflakes.
Glad I shaved the gray beard offDamn
This is actually the second time I've ever attempted to grow a full on beard.. years ago I may have tried but I think I just was able to grow patchesIt would probably be too offensive to snowflakes.
Feel better? Get it out man!
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Cool as the other side of the pillowGeez I though we was slime up in this b****, come on we all cool here right
Glad I shaved the gray beard off
The truth hurts.
This beard thing is Deja vu, weren’t people freaking out about this a month ago.Boo I like my beard lol
It would probably be too offensive to snowflakes.
This beard thing is Deja vu, weren’t people freaking out about this a month ago.
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