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Misc Winter Whamby 2020, a New Decade

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Fair weather fan. Lol

I was being sarcastic btw. But honestly that MJO look is what I saw coming a week or two back. I think she looped last year as well. That’s a bad look if you want winter weather in the SE. I’ll still hope for a 5-10 day period but that’s all at this point.

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I did add maybe to it. You know I can’t leave.

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Lol. I would definitely give it time. No need to get worried about the MJO since it could go back towards better phases or stay in the COD which is better than where it is now.
I really disagree with what the GFS is showing. I think the pattern favors cold rain but can’t rule out ice on metal objects or trees. It’s way to warm this winter and only gonna scorch more this weekend combined with a wet ground that keeps getting wetter. None of this supports major winter wx accumulations on roads or really any depth to it without melting.

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What's the point of grasping straws this so called fantasy system showing any type of frozen during the Jan 16-18 period (which is 9 to 11 days away) will change consistently closer to verification time which would be an all rain event... Oh so far every rain system that showed up in the long range has nearly verified 99.9 percent of the time I'm probably wrong just my opinion..... This has been a warm and wet winter
Tbh I have some mild interest in that time period now but we all have to remember last year. Last year on this model that's running now showed about 1000000 winter storms and only the "December storm" worked out. It ran too cold, the heights would be too low (in this case, we'd need to watch the 50/50 low though and see what it does), and it'd modify.

Probably going to have to watch it for at least 5 more days, minimum. I guess some good news in my head there is I did see the GFS win on a CAD solution a few months ago where it showed the CAD for days before it happened, and if the general ideas hold it might get colder.

But for whatever it's worth, the 2004 ice storm I experienced didn't exactly have a cold lead up from what I see in the history. It wasn't very warm, but it wasn't cold either and it still caused problems (although at least in my county the mistake was not cancelling school).
Wow!!! I've never seen you get like this lol. Winter isn't over my friend, just a bad run. As long as we can score before the 20th, which is possible rest of winter can do want it wants
I hate having a negative attitude. It's just annoying soon as we get into January (favorable month for winter storms) the pattern goes right into a warm pattern. It seems like that's the story every year. Something always screwing up the pattern. It's like why is it that it's always warm patterns that happen and not colder patterns but yet it's winter?
It’s a shame some are still putting faith in the Gfs and it’s ensemble .. look at the EURO and it’s ensembles which have a 10x better track record .. pattern change shows up Jan 18-25 ... cmon guys we know better
We better hope there will be that pattern change like seriously. Even though I'm tired of doing all of this wishing and hoping, which I'm sure others are too. When are we going to get an actual legitimate winter storm to track?

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