I think you should change your name to "no longer snowless and happy". Maybe even make a happy puppy's pic your new avatar.
Well, we've just experienced a pretty wintry last 2 weeks. Finally! And today has been downright cold all day. It is way too early imo to declare RIP winter when all one can halfway reasonably see into the future is 2 weeks (via the 4 times a day movie presentations). Analogs say don't bet the farm on RIP.
But I would largely declare RIP if we assume winter ends two weeks from now. The combo of teles was historically the worst on record (from a SE cold lover's perspective) in DJF back in mid Jan. So, getting a repeat in Feb would be insane. However, they sure are making an effort to again be terrible, regardless, during the 2nd week of this month! I'm talking about the combo of AO, NAO, PNA, MJO, and AAM, which is likely leading toward a resurgence of the strong and persistent SER. Whereas the MJO won't be nearly as bad, it doesn't look to be good and the other 4 are headed down the ole commode again! But at some point after we get past this 2nd commodeful of teles, that's imo when we can start looking for signs of cold finally dominating for an extensive period of time. Keep in mind that the Arctic's coldest daily normals are still over 3 weeks away! And with the predicted extremely high AO for the next 2 weeks, the Arctic is not likely to warm up appreciably, if at all, anytime soon. This may even be one of those winters where the coldest there is in March.