Sadly its not that far off. Would be nice to find a way to get the wave south and cool the 875 to sfc layers
45 days until sprummer.
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Do you really live in Nashville? It was just 2 weeks ago that we had a few days of below or near freezing highs and light snow flurries off and on for basically 24 hours straight.At some point before this winter is all said and done we'll find a way to get a token cold snap and flizzard.
I meant from this point forward. Apologies for not being clearDo you really live in Nashville? It was just 2 weeks ago that we had a few days of below or near freezing highs and light snow flurries off and on for basically 24 hours straight.
snake habitat ...
These are called flowers.... lol
Sir, how do I join you and your bird cultAll it take is for the CMC to be right this weekend and boom. Boom boom boom. Things can change on a dime. If it’s wrong then long live king euro for ever on all systems for next 50 years
Did y'all actually have enough freezing hours this winter to bud out and make a crop?I've seen some things flowering of late, odd because until today really it's been about normal after that stretch in January.
First really warm day in a couple weeks, and bam, those small ant hills are back. But really, right now, all I can think about is that probable freeze that's going to screw up those peaches.
Did y'all actually have enough freezing hours this winter to bud out and make a crop?
Yes, I've heard 45º and I've heard 35º and I've heard 32º, but the Ag Department then splits it between varieties ... so anyways ... hope y'all had enough chill hours, since I do tend to buy bushels and make ice cream!My dad's told me it's chill hours below 40 degrees I think (and actually took note of them some before), if it's that, probably fine, if it is going to freezing or below, I don't know.
Don't think those have flowered though, it's something else I've seen. Some bushes down the road I think...
Joe Blow has finally tossed the towel in for the SE! Speaking of the MJO
One thing it is not doing is showing any sign of the phases needed to lead to cold getting into the Southeast.
Basically it's going to be a war from Texas to New England, with loads of cold to the northwest of that area and early spring weather in the Southeast. As long as the pattern has contradictions, cold cannot overwhelm. The AO and NAO are strongly positive (except for today and tomorrow). This is the first time we have seen the WPO and EPO forecasted to be negative in tandem, which will bring in the cold, if the MJO does not swing into a strong Phase 6.
Do we really want a 3rd straight El Nino.?.These last 2 haven't been all that kind to us.February-March 500mb patterns preceding all El Ninos in the satellite era:
View attachment 32982
Week 3-4 CFSv2 forecast.
View attachment 32983
2019-20 isn't an official El Niño and overall is very weak and borderline. I wouldn't mind a stronger, legitimate El Niño if it means it could flip the pattern to -ENSO by 2021 and get us out of this borderline Niño "stalemate" we've been in since mid-2018.Do we really want a 3rd straight El Nino.?.These last 2 haven't been all that kind to us.
2019-20 isn't an official El Niño and overall is very weak and borderline. I wouldn't mind a stronger, legitimate El Niño if it means it could flip the pattern to -ENSO by 2021 and get us out of this borderline Niño "stalemate" we've been in since mid-2018.
Do we get a board wide snow or Iowa Dem caucus results first?
At this rate....Being that the last boardwide snow was decades ago, I’d go with the caucuses.