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Misc Winter Weather Support Group

I saw a comment on twitter earlier that said “jet is slowly moving up every year”. Can someone explain what that means?

My guess would be more +AO, faster more intense jet stream lifting north from it's climo position, maybe expanded Hadley cells.

Really need a little more context of the tweet
Over/under for # of days it’s gets below freezing again this winter/spring is 3…I’m taking the under

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I'm not picking on this post just wanted to see how this gfs run did vs actual
2/16 62/41
2/17 53/36
2/18 48/29
2/19 58/27
2/20 57/29
2/21 58/31

Not surprising here the gfs is decent with highs but warm on lows. Seems to be the new theme
I'm not picking on this post just wanted to see how this gfs run did vs actual
2/16 62/41
2/17 53/36
2/18 48/29
2/19 58/27
2/20 57/29
2/21 58/31

Not surprising here the gfs is decent with highs but warm on lows. Seems to be the new theme
It was mostly sarcasm on “3” but I really hope we see a flip back below normal. I love the cool/cold nights.

Oof, looks like I’m running out of time for a ski trip this year…
The base is really strong. It won’t be in a few weeks. Great conditions tonight. As good as it gets in mid/late February. Wide open no crowds. I’m hauling ass 💀 these 35 year old knees still got it 🍺
not as bad as 2012
Probably is true for most of the SE, but 2012 at least had this nuisance event for NC folks. Of course, by the same token, TN and N MS had a memorable storm this year, so on the whole I’d say this winter was better than 2012, 2022-3, etc.

I really can't stand extended periods of wet weather.
I like it, then I dont feel like a pos for not wanting to go do anything or go outside. Especially in Spring/Summer when my wife wants to do 500 outside chores. I actually liked Covid times bc it made me feel like welp guess I cant leave the couch you know Hun its not safe and all. I Milked that as long as possible truthfully I could careless about the safety of it
I don't know how you could witness totality and think any description of it (aside from "pitch black") is overrated. It is a magnificent event, and I encourage everyone I know to travel to witness it. Some people say "oh it was 97% at my house" and not going to lie, eclipses are neat even at much lower percentages, but even 97% is practically nothing compared to totality.
If you are on the fence about traveling to see it, go! There won't be another CONUS total eclipse for 21 years.
Yeah it was an awesome to see. Just wasn’t pitch dark as many have described. I was in full totality for 2.5-3 minutes. These are shots during full totality.