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Misc Winter Weather Support Group

me: why are there funeral vibes here

12z euro showing me where my black suit is:
I think if we miss our shot next week we're done for January imo. Ensembles look like crap after next week. Hopefully they'll get back by first week for February. But man, after the last several years I have so little faith in a cold February. Was really hoping something would come together in January.

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Maybe up your way you'd still do ok who knows? But upstate folks there is well over a 90% chance of not reaching seasonal norms if we get blanked through Feb 1st. I don't like it either but it's just what the data shows. And we need a big year not to fall ever further behind the awful 90s. That was the least snowiest decade on record here and up through Jan 94 we had 15.6" inches. Now up to the same point in this decade we have 9.2". About 40% less than that decade. This is pathetic. Anyone in the upstate has a right to complain. The roaring 20s is showing us what a real snow drought is.
me: why are there funeral vibes here

12z euro showing me where my black suit is:
We haven’t even managed a big run east of the mountains with this system. And you know it’s a problem when the biggest run, was a 18z GFS run and the 18z EC control. Snorefest
I think it's awesome when someone who doesn't live in the southeast and in a place that gets snow all the time comes on the board and rubs it in with how much snow they are getting.
He lives in Iowa. Not my prime place to live IMO. Let him have his snow fun, I'm sure he is enjoying every min of it and rightfully so.
Been saying it for a while, late jan warm up like many other ninos then +PNA is coming. No stopping it. MJO coming our way into the pac and eventually whem, +EAMT, and a strong but weakening Nino in February View attachment 141762View attachment 141763
Does it even matter. We have no luck around here. Anything we need to trend in a positive direction goes the other way. Very frustrating.
This cycle of pain, only has about a month or so before it expires. It’s possible for it to hit 90 degrees again in 2 months (it has in late March a couple times in CLT !). 3.75-4 more months and it’s back to 82/57 everyday again, and severe weather, something that actually happens. it won’t be long. It’ll be here quick. We will be talking MCSs, gorilla hail, heat releases, and Memorial Day troughs again.
This cycle of pain, only has about a month or so before it expires. It’s possible for it to hit 90 degrees again in 2 months (it has in late March a couple times in CLT !). 3.75-4 more months and it’s back to 82/57 everyday again, and severe weather, something that actually happens. it won’t be long. It’ll be here quick. We will be talking MCSs, gorilla hail, heat releases, and Memorial Day troughs again.
The memorial day troughs part made me laugh